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RE: Downvote Party 10/21 - Comment Spam Farm

in #spaminator7 years ago

This is very good work @patrice. Just sad that gallant individuals like yourself have to waste their time and resources dealing with this rather than steemit inc just sorting it.

It is a pity there isn't an effective way to take out the 'kingpins' in the operation.

For example a quick partial scan shows a lot of the accounts funneling their rewards to @prethardfico and @campbofresum.

@campbofresum in turn is funneling to @opsmalyzsu which seems to be one of the central points.

Unfortunately stamping these central accounts in to the ground want stop the whole operation. Unless steemit inc gets its act together and deals with them.


Thanks! I hadn't had time to dig into where the funds where going.

If you need any help poking about into these accounts let me know.

Is there any mechanism for reporting the central accounts to steemit inc? Will they do anything about them?

@agab "photo plagiarism"

Flag @agab for "photo plagiarism and possible identity deception.

This is an experimental community. Decentralized. We don't get centralized "protection" along with our decentralized protection. It's up to us to decide the standards. If steemit could shut down the spam accounts they could also shut yours down if some fiat govt didn't like you. The price we pay for freedom, is self governance.

Worth it.

Maybe - but if we then have to spend all our voting power on self-policing we would have nothing left to reward particularly smaller players who are getting discouraged with almost non existent post rewards.

I would rather spend my voting power helping as much as I can to improve player retention.

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