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RE: Spammers be like...

in #spam6 years ago (edited)

Maybe it's not what is actually said as much as what is actually shown. What is shown, which he usually shows more so then others, is the amount of abuse that goes on here and the results of the work he does to track it down. I would have like to have seen post links so we could easily view the post, the other day someone listed a lot of reward pool abuse and I actually ended up having a good conversation with someone who was hit with the transparency bot. What she was doing was rather simplistic for the hundreds she was pulling in, sure it was working for her, was in her field of experience just a bit over exploited...maybe having those kinds of conversations with some is what's needed. Saying this works for you, it's fun for some, gives other a chance to win some bucks....just needs a little toning down to the amount of money paid into bots to reap huge rewards and I think she appreciated that.


You are being very nice and I hear you, but no - I think this place is run like the mob. It's plain and simple. I also thought what this guy is doing was good, but when the lens is cleared and you take a proper look at the way things are being done. No. So he did something good in one instance, found a scam.. fraud, whatever.. but to then go ahead and use bots to randomly bust peoples knees? And then post this sort of nonsensical post and then OH THE ASS_kissing here!

If some people fart here, it becomes SBD 100 so why not if someone posts a meme? Leave them alone! We HAVE to leave the God fathers alone because we have no choice. No! This is wrong. Completely wrong.

What happened earlier today - @upv4life is a project I supported with 1 STEEM some four months ago. The project keeps supporting my posts. Now because one bot blacklists the account we must all agree?

Call me a cry baby. Go mess with my posts. I don't care. I will plough money into this project just to have it stolen by thugs to prove a point: I NEVER GIVE IN TO BULLYING ever.

@themarkymark came immediately to an unrelated post and bullied me. It is plain to see. He thinks I won't reveal it and if I do, nothing will happen. This is wrong!

Screenshot from 2018-04-13 18-13-10.png

You do have a rather good sense of humor. I looked at some of your post and I think it's a good idea to help others if it focuses on that specifically. All in life isn't fair, granted, but it doesn't help if everyone turns into a crook. It's us small pee on's that end up carrying the brunt of honesty in the world.

Nice of you to take a look. Real interaction is a great thing but seemingly so rare here (human politics I suppose). A shame really, because as you point out, it's our humanity that is going to make sure we live a better quality of life. If it weren't for something called humanity, we'd have bleak neighbourhoods, dirty, etc. We are taught these basics as kids. How come some of us forget these things as adults? Maybe some were not paying attention or just never got it in the first place. Cheers.

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