
I do not like what you have done. You are totally ignoring the person and making a list according to your criteria. First of all, this is not a platform where everybody speaks English well and because they want to take part and make comments, as they are told they must, they do so, but find it too difficult to make a full comment according to your preferences.

They also see everyone, just like you, asking to be upvoted or followed and they do not understand the distinctions you are making.

You gathered the information for including the above in your list from posts belonging to others, not from yours. That gives me the right to complain, for I did not give you permission to use me for punishing my visitors. Have any of the occurrences 'documented above' been compiled from your posts? Anything else means you infringed on the rights of other postsers - if someone is a problem and is doing this to me, it is up to me to deal with it - not anybody else, however well meaning they are.

I spend between two to four hours a day visiting newcomers who are committing flaggable mistakes and I take the time to explain to them and most stop. Have you tried with those on your list who did it to you, or did you just take the easy way out - in the hope of earning some upvotes and have a few laughs?

Your post is also dishonest because you coupled words which are often used by many in very good comments. As a separate comment for illustrating how hypocritical such a list can be: I was flagged by an English user of very high rep, because I dared suggest to him that he stops demanding a number of times per post of his, in words and with gifs, upvote me and follow me. I did not see you include him on your list.

If you think having technical knowledge is all that is required for you to decide on everybody's behalf who should be punished by ridicule, I suggest you have a conversation with @patrice, who does this as an unpaid job, but does it with a sense of fairness and always gives warning to the transgressors. Offer your services to her if you genuinely want to make Steemit a better place and comply to the rules, as all those given some power here do.

Your little bot with the 'bigger than' 100 setting, would it count the number of times I've used these words, regardless of whether my comment is good or nice

I have hired someone for @spaminator that will be commenting in reply to accounts like these. The person doing it will also look at context. I get quite a few reports generated from scripts like these that don't look at context. 99% of our rejected reports are for users replying to those who comment on their posts. The other 1% are random comments. Someone who has one or two comments a day saying "thank you" or "nice." At a per person level that isn't even close to being a spam issue. It's more of an annoyance for the curators because multiple users are doing it.

who does this as an unpaid job

Not quite unpaid. Thanks to the community that supports what I do and also as a member of @steemcleaners.

Thanks for the mention here. I'll keep an eye out as some members of the community will use this as a 'flag' list.

Context is very important, but still most of these people are either spam or don't grasp the concept of steemit. We want people to participate, not say "good post".

I posted this mostly as a warning and may change my Post Title to reflect that.

Feel better?

That is a very patronising reply and beneath you.

It was a serious question. When you put that much thought into a rebuttal, it obviously bothered you. I guess you don't feel better?

Not a question of feeling better or not. I was worried that people I have invested a lot of time and effort in helping and have even come to know a few of them, they might suddenly find themselves being attacked.

You see, this list is not only for looking at, there will be those who will want to use it to harm them - and if challenged, they can say they saw the list posted by #julienbh and thought they are looking out for steemit. Surely you do not believe that there are no people here who enjoy flagging to under zero? I've met a few of them, so I know how bad it can get - and the more powerful they are, the more evil I think they are.

Steemit is being idealised because people are so happy that it has been created with such beautiful prospects for everyone, but although people are trying to find ways to control those who want to destroy the potential of Steemit (for instance, would you put it past FB, Twit and Google; I wouldn't, not if they see us taking many of their customers).

In other words, I don't see this as a 'shame list', I see it as the modern equivalent (if I may exaggerate so as to make my point) a lynching list.

That's where you are wrong. It's a shame list.

Yes, you may have meant it that way, but some, who think of themselves as steemit vigilantes will use it as a hit list. Why do you think patrice warned she will pay to have someone watch to keep it from happening.

I'll keep an eye out as some members of the community will use this as a 'flag' list.

I now see you are starting a flag war with a poster who has more rep than you....I've said what I had to say, and am staying away from now.

Hey it's not like I flagged those people. It's not a bot either.

This is just a list of people having more than 150 comments with, for exemple, the word follow in it.

I just feel Steem needs a better spam control and this is only a quick script to find **VERY **redundant comments and/ or spam users.

I agree it is FAR from perfect and will find false positives but the point is still valid. Most of these users probably comment thinking they might get an upvote instead of trying to actually read the post.
I'm also fine if they don't speak english, but why would they comment in english then?

I also chose those specific words because they come very often in my spam comments :)

Hey, can you add me to the list?
Nice follow!

Why would you want that?

nice. follow me!

total thanks lolol what an amazing list!!

amazing sir please vote my follow and god bless!

I was just gonna reply with thanks, but I don't wanna make it on your list lol.

Lol I hope it's not your 100th comment with "thanks" :P

No, it's not even close to that, and if it were, it would be balanced out by thoughtful, insightful, or useful replies that try to engage the person. That's the whole point of any social media right? You want to engage your audience? Idk, maybe I'm trying to do it wrong haha.

How can you tell that if any comment have the word "good", "nice", then it is a spam comment..! You are insulating the people also who are not a spammer.

If any comment has only the word good or nice then you can do this.

it's only in the case you have

more than 150 (in your case 164 times)

comments with those words

edit: I bumped the threshold to 300, so you're not in the list anymore.

Yes I think it is possible more than 150 comment with these keywords. If anyone is here on steemit more than 4,5 months or years and if they are involved more to appreciate others for their good works then it should be possible. I am not telling for those who are just commenting "good post" or like "nice post", I am talking about them who are commenting with real aspect and the comment is actually related to the post, these keywords may be the part of their comments. It is not necessary that they are spamming.

Can you understand my point?


also on the whole list, only 3 people replied to my post as of now :)

Why you downvote my comment after saying that you can understand my point of view. Can you explain the cause??

Because my point is still valid. Most of your comments suck :)
Also writing on my post with h1 doesn't help your case. Flagging means I disagree with the reward you'd get for your post, which I do.
The whole point of flagging is this. It's not like I go I your blog posts and downvote.

upvote to follow my vote because good people I am.

Perhaps you should add:
REMOVE author
at the end :P

Why you tell it this?.. i am not are very i learn how work steemit

Maybe. But you made at least 292 comments with the word "nice or follow" in it ;)
will remove you

And tell me.. how do you want for me to know it..?not maybe you are too must remove from steemit.. 292 i can not see me shelf at the list ?you do not know what's wrong with you..Do what you think in front of you will find it..

I told you I removed you from the list.

Ok... thank you.. you must advise us,the young of the steemit.. thank you again.

Stop already. Geez, you are making my head hurt.

And to the list you go!

Hey thanks for the Mention, Im disabled and have limited usage of my hands so typing is a real chore for me. In fact my son is typing this while I dictate perhaps instead of doing a wordsearch you might want to read people's posts first before you make yourself look like a asshole. And I dont think its any of your business how I comment on my Friends and relatives that I have invited to STEEMIT' posts. Have NICE day. Maybe you should do a Post on #rewardpoolrape you seem to be very good at it.
and you have a lot of nerve to critise anyone when you post garbage like this here

Also reward pool rape means I use voting bots which is not the case.
I take 0.000001% of the pool which you'd never get anyway.

Whoopsie no upvote...
You're really that pissed off most of your comments suck?

not really just dont like being called out by someone I dont know

Did you even realize you're not in the list anymore?

Thank you. Ill tell you something. Im 60 years old and all my Best friends I met in a Argument. have a Nice day.

You have Nice one too.
I'm here all night lol ;)
And sorry you don't like my tits. :P

@berniesanders sees this and you will think differently, and what do you think randowhale is?

Bernie is cool :)

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