Financial Disincentives for Spammers – Real Life Experience applied to SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #spam7 years ago (edited)

You are on the right track with this, even if people disagree with the implementation.

Luckily it's still steemit BETA. We'll iron out abuse issues as long as people continue to make asses out of themselves on the blockchain.

-------> hopefully

I agree - on the right track!

I love your idea about "disincentives." It reminds me of the oriental approach to medicine and healing -- in which they don't fight disease by waging war, killing germs, etc. Instead, they create conditions where the disease "prefers not to live."

They work to help the body create an environment which doesn't support the disease, which doesn't encourage it to thrive. By doing so they heal he whole body ... not just stamping out fires here and there. The idea is to bring the body itself back into balance ... not a perpetual regimen of taking drugs that create side effects for which you then have to take other drugs.

Let the spammer make the choice to go away, rather than inviting him to "get creative" in order to try and wear you down to get rid of him. The day it costs too much for him with no possible reward at the end of the exchange ... he'll get the message.

Thanks for the reply!

I think there are bigger issues to deal with than the spam DM, but at some point it will be a bigger problem, especially as people's wallets grow.

With a little modification this type of approach could be applied to other areas of STEEMIT too

Could be a contest of sorts I suppose - to deliver a solution

Hi @holbein81

I like this rather radical looking approach and agree with @intelliguy that you are on the right track. Charging to receive sounds good, but like others have mentioned, they send out to people with 'non spammy' reasons like competitions and err, other stuff!

I've been sent what I would regard non-spammy comments by non-followers, so using this status doesn't help totally i think.

Maybe a down-voting/flag system for memo messages sent to/from users?

@utpal74 loses his memo sending abilities for a week if 5 people don't like what they read?


I think this is a great idea and shows how much work is going into making sure that this site stays clean from this sort of thing.


I see one big problem with your proposal, although it may not be insurmountable. I run a contest where I send SBD to winners each week. It would suck if someone could slide a bar and extort 25x their prize.

Ah, but see step 1 - this option to levy a charge would only exist if they were not following you. Anyone that has entered your contest and has any chance of winning would logically be following you and so the message would just display as per now

True, if you had a way when sending a payment to verify both accounts followed each other before signing the transaction, it would mitigate my concern. It would have to be designed so people couldn't observe the payment from a sock, unfollow on the main, and then levy a fee on the wallet page. We've seen enough dishonest behavior that we would need to assume such things could be attempted to break the system.

You lost me at 'sock'!!
I am not a tech guy at all, and so I don't know whether it is feasible to implement something like this from a technical perspective. But in general terms and in terms of how STEEMIT functions, I can't yet find a major problem. One thing I haven't thought of much is the legal question around effectively raiding someone else's wallet, spammer or not.

Anyway, will see if it gets any traction - although not much so far.

tbh this is not a particularly big problem for STEEMIT, although I suppose a solution for this could theoretically be adapted and rolled out across other parts of the site

Thanks for commenting!

"sock " is short for "sockpuppet," meaning an alternative account, and especially one that is used as though it were a different person so someone can support themselves in a discussion.

Disincentives generally work better than incentives- incentives promote gaming the system far too much, generally. I'm not sure if this specific solution is the correct one, but I think you've started down the right track!

Oh no doubt there are flaws there and it could be refined.


Great info you also reffered a solution thats nice

I get at least 3 or 4 calls a day with either a voice recording, or nothing at all. It's really obnoxious. @ironshield

A fantastic and creative solution for the sales calls, @holbein81! And the solution for Steemit warrants consideration as well! Hope the developers see your idea. Cheers!

I usually get 3-4 so called offered every single day. It is a good marketing strategy to some extent but if someone is not taking your service that means he is not interested at all, sending it again is just a waste of time and money for them.

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