Multi-Frequency EMF Spectrum Antenna Victalen Hull: Magnetic Field, Solar EMF, Radio Waves, Copper / Aluminum & Ceramic?

in #spacecraft2 years ago

"antennas mounted on the outer hull to take in the electricity."

"Outside the earth's magnetic field, another propulsion system must be used, which relies on the first"

"The power source was a black box of radio tubes, in the glove compartment. The box had an antenna sticking out. Tesla would fool with some tuners and tune in the right frequency and got 240 volts delivered through the air to his car. The car ran almost silent."

"This is a diagram of Tesla’s first radiant energy receiver. It stored static electricity obtained from the air and converted it to a usable form. Tesla’s invention is a simple version of T.H. Moray’s device. Moray’s device used a unique rectifier (RE-valve) to efficiently capture the static electricity from the surrounding air. Moray’s oscillator tubes (magnetron transducers) utilized this high-voltage energy to generate an internal secondary “cold” fusion reaction.

Stick an antenna up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it to one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground, and the potential difference will then charge the capacitor. Connect across the capacitor some sort of switching device so that it can be discharged at rhythmic intervals, and you have an oscillating electric output. T.H. Moray simply expanded on Tesla’s idea to use high-voltage to create ionic oscillation.

Nikola Tesla free energy concept was patented in 1901 as an “Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy.” The patent refers to “the sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, like cosmic rays,” that the device works at night is explained in terms of the night-time availability of cosmic rays. Tesla also refers to the ground as “a vast reservoir of negative electricity.”"

"So in short – Tesla connected the antenna (an electrical device which converts electric radio waves into current – i.e. an infinitely free power supply) to the center-tap of the ignition coil of the Pierce Arrow. 12 vacuum tubes were then wired (connected) together in parallel and connected to the ignition coil. In this circuit, Tesla amplified the very weak radio wave signal and produced a very high voltage output. Enough to power the 80 HP AC electric motor for a full week, often at speeds of up to 90 mph."

American Genius: Alternating current scene (Edison vs. Tesla)

"energy harvested from EM waves that is everywhere this type of electric car had unlimited range.

Tesla used an antenna to capture this free energy and he was able to drive for hours with no stopping whatsoever for a recharge."

"The "energy receiver" (gravitational energy converter) had been built by Tesla himself. The dimensions of the converter housing were approximately 60 x 25 x 15cm. It was installed in front of the dashboard. Among other things, the converter contained 12 vacuum tubes, of which three were of the 70-L-7 type. A heavy antenna approximately 1.8 meters long, came out of the converter. This antenna apparently had the same function as that on the Moray converter (see article on Radiant Energy). Furthermore, two thick rods protruded approximately 10cm from the converter housing.Tesla pushed them in saying "Now we have power.""

"a mysterious radiation which comes out of the aether". The small device very obviously and effectively appropriated this energy. Tesla also spoke very glowingly of this providence, saying of the energy itself that "it is available in limitless quantities". Dr. Tesla stated that although "he did not know where it came from, mankind should be very grateful for its presence".

"That is, any electrical wave, both positive AND negative going currents, was picked up by an antenna and passed through this diode with minimal loss of energy. As far as we know, this valve was based on a composite substance with GERMANIUM as the host material. From there it went through a tuned circuit based on vacuum tubes and capacitors to build and discharge the energy as demanded by the load.

The tuned circuits were resonant with one or more earth or cosmic frequencies and the vacuum tubes acted as harmonic constructive interference amplifiers of the input signals."

"The hull is best made double, of thin, machinable, slightly flexible ceramic. This becomes a good electrical insulator, has no fire danger, resists any damaging effects of severe heat and cold, and has the hardness of armor, besides being easy for magnetic fields to pass through."

"The inner hull is covered on it's outside by wedge shaped thin metal sheets of copper or aluminum, bonded to the ceramic. Each sheet is 3 to 4 feet wide at the horizontal rim of the hull and tapers to a few inches wide at the top of the hull for the top set of metal sheets, or at the bottom for the bottom set of sheets.

Each sheet is separated on either side from the next sheet by 1 or 2 inches of uncovered ceramic hull. The top set of sheets and bottom set of sheets are separated by about 6 inches of uncovered ceramic hull around the horizontal rim of the hull.

The outer hull protects these sheets from being short-circuited by wind blown metal foil (Air Force radar confusing chaff), heavy rain or concentrations of gasoline or kerosene fumes.

If unshielded, fuel fumes could be electrostatically attracted to the hull sheets, burn and form carbon deposits across the insulating gaps between the sheets, causing a short-circuit.

In space, the outer hull with a slight negative charge, would absorb hits from micro-meteorites and cosmic rays (protons moving at near the speed of light).

Any danger of this type that doesn't already have a negative electric charge would get a negative charge in hitting the outer hull, and be repelled by the metal sheets before it could hit the inner hull."

"To resist the incredible temperatures of these velocities a special armor called Victalen was pioneered by SS metallurgists specifically for both the Haunebu and Vril series of disc craft. The Haunebu I had a double hull of Victalen."

"heat shielding of two hulls of Victalen."

"It had a triple Victalen hull."

"the Electromagnetic force is (2.2 x 10^39) stronger than the Gravitational. To put it into perspective, if the energy required for mechanically lifting a block at a distance of one-quarter of a millimetre is, say X. If the same energy given to the block using Electromagnetic force, it could lift the block (5.6 x 10^24) km"

"Electromagnetic energy travels in waves and spans a broad spectrum from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays."

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