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RE: SpaceX's Mars Colony Plan: How Elon Musk Plans to Build a Million-Person Martian City

in #space7 years ago

why not moon bases first? it's closer and easier to communicate with - am i missing something? i admit that since the challenger debacle i really haven't been following the space race in detail. i'd think they'd want to develop the techniques and protocols/prototypes there first as 'proof-of-concept'


I've always wondered the same thing. Wouldn't a moon base better prepare us?

my thought exactly! considering all the advances we could/would make from moon based industries, research and colonization. have you read john varley's early novels/short stories? especially the collection of short stories 'the Ophiuchi Hotline'

No but I love Arthur C Clarke's vision of our space colonization future.

Did you read Clarke's story wherein he proposes 'space elevator' made of a cable of carbon filament fiber strands manufactured in a geostationary platform? Very visionary and forward thinking

If that was in the Rama or 2001 etc series then yes!

I want to say the first Rama book but it's been such a long time since I read it and all my books are in storage - le sigh 😉

Amen dude. This whole Mars shit smells fishy in the context of the moon, like you said. I'm not trying to put the tinfoil hat on too tight, but there is some stench here, no?

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