
We have a product called Bully-Beef which I think is corned beef, whatever that means. Not great. I don't know the product Spam, but it seems to be a pinker version of Bully-Beef. The latter is pretty awful, but nothing good ever came from a pink meat product...

Parts of me might take offense to that, but such thoughts remind's prolly past my bedtime. Butts gonna be shitty. Bully-Beef is a pretty apt name in this case. "Hey bully, you gotta beef with me?" Naw, just some spam. Proceeds to comment - bloviate - opinions.

Hahaha, you are revealing more and more of your amazing wit.

I must reserve a little mystery. Gotta keep my ass covered. Wouldn't want you to see how smart it is.

Hahaha. No, actually. I don't think I have. This wasn't spam. He's a great writer and he let that goofy guy make him feel bad. Help me kick his butt lol.

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