Reimagining Blockchain

in #space7 years ago (edited)

Summary of the article

In this article, some thoughts and future use cases of blockchain technology will be discussed. Rise of digital assets can be regarded as a reimagination of value, which will definitely provide numerous of opportunities to many ambitious projects which may seem unfathomable. This article will not focus on existing platform like Ethereum or other smart contract platforms like Lisk, Waves, rather the futures will be on the spotlight.


Future sounds far to you !?! Well how far is it?

Future is definitely uncertain considering all the negative things that are arising around us. That can completely be regarded as the main reason why we have to look into the future. We cannot sit in the present thinking about an uncertain future, that would be futile. We must see our futures in the stars where we dreamt of, since the birth of human civilisation. Giving the fact that nearest star system to our solar system is roughly about 4 light years away does not even qualify to give some kind hope of going there, but there are certainly people who are optimistic.

Can blockchain rescue the future?

Some simple scenarios can shed some light on the possibilities of distributed ledger system (DLS) can offer. In these scenarios application of DLS is space exploration or colonisation, it can be anything. Just replace your dream in the following with your name.

  • Let all of us imagine for a moment that “Sylesia” a person with exceeding amount of ambition wants to achieve something really unachievable within next 50 years. His/Her dream is not feasible because it is not logical, and traditional financial strands will not allow it to happen. Although, his/her dream is extremely important for human evolution but it would probably take thousand of years to achieve that with current rate of progression. How can Sylesia think of doing something that s/he really intends to accomplish in his/her lifetime knowing that s/he definitely cannot attain it in 50 years mainly due to financial complexity of our society?
    Colonising and teraforming a different planet would be one of the biggest achievement
  • Future cannot offer you much if the structure of our present is in wrong hands with strangled structural limitations. If our present is in wrong hands, future will be in wrong hands, meaning that our present is actually the future we are looking for. Just decide what you want now so that you can acquire it in the future. If you are tied to a rope expecting to reach the finishing line knowing that you cannot go there because you are tied, it is would be certainly worthless to even try. What you must do in this scenario is to go back to your starting point, cut the rope and then run. Our society unfortunately is designed somewhat to be like that, longer the rope, stronger will be the pullback at the end. If we can reimagine our way of thinking only then we can go to the distance, otherwise we are bound to fail.

  • A rich guy named “Syl” wants to travel interstellar, he is ambitious does not care about what other people think about his mission. He has every right to do whatever he wants to do because he is a multi billionaire. He can easily spend billions of stake knowing that he can lose all of it. His bravery certainly has received a lot of attraction from people around. Considering that “Syl” had his faith in traditional value system, how sustainable is that long term? [you can comment your thoughts below in the comment section]

  • Consider these facts, Russia during Cold War did not really go bankrupt competing with USA to win the space rivalry. But, there way of doing things were simply not sustainable. That means, in many ways USA was thankful to USSR for contributing in the tech development which they proudly utilised later on. NASA spent billions of dollar to send human to moon then they were stuck on the ground for more than five decades. It is mainly because of the monetary and funding issue. They want now to go to Mars in 2030, it is highly doubtful with their slow progress. SpaceX definitely has spiced things up and showed promises which in many ways highly sustainable considering Elon Musk’s amazing leadership. However, the cost and financial structure is bound to make progress slow and inefficient. If it is asked to summarise the space based technological evolution, spaceX will be forever thankful to governmental institutions like NASA, ESA for making the groundbreaking progress which was necessary for them to begin with. This was the second step of space evolution: rise of private institutions like SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin. And the next step of this evolutionary process will be: change of ideology where distributed ledger system will have it’s deep influence, where the new era currency forger will be developers not bankers. A truly distributed ledger system will be the powerhouse of such a giant company that we have not yet witnessed. In traditional market it would be worth trillion of dollars. It would mine asteroids, colonise Mars, Titan, send probe to nearest star system utilising laser beam propulsion and then send manned mission using technology like nuclear pulse propulsion. This will happen closer than we can imagine because of our collective intelligence with distributed system.

How AI + DLS can be Game Changer

Artificial Intelligence will play its part alongside DLS. When countries like Saudi Arabia started giving citizenship to a robot called Sophia, [2] it makes people ask questions, does it mean she got more rights than many other migrant workers of KSA? I believe, this is ultimately a good thing to embrace AI. Only time will tell us how it will go. Driverless cars will be a very common thing in five years, developing countries will be little behind but that is where DLS comes into action. Blockchain technology can help developing nations building their infrastructure. The way machine learning is developing, we probably will see things going to happen faster. We probably will see a time when we will be able to upload our consciousness into machine however, it will raise significant questions from our moral point of view.
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Thank you
If you read all through this, I would like to thank you from my bottom of my heart for reading. I am currently doing research at a University in Tokyo on “International Integration of Blockchain Technology”. Though, I have completed my bachelors in Aerospace Engineering from UK, I truly found blockchain to be fascinating with tons of things to offer. After learning more about blockchain and crypto in general for more than a year and with some investment in crypto, I have to say it definitely has blown my mind, I firmly consider that this is going to transform the world in many ways that we cannot even imagine now. I would love to share more of everything soon, so stay tuned and thank you again for reading.

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[1] New Scientist. (2017). Oldest dust ever spotted in the universe seen in distant galaxy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2017].
[2] Global News. (2017). Saudi Arabia gave ‘citizenship’ to a robot named Sophia, and Saudi women aren’t amused. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2017].
[3] Kilin, E. (2017). Space elevator to launch in 2050. [online] Load the Game. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2017].
[4] (2017). Top Space Colonization Books. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2017].

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