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RE: My 2017 Space Highlights

in #space7 years ago

I remember when I used to believe in space fairy tales, planets, spaceships, orbiting satellites and other silly nasa beliefs. Then I started thinking on my own and realized none of the images shown by nasa are photographs; just paintings, CGI, image splices, and cartoons.

So many people are caught up in this belief system that holds no proofs of evidence, and I constantly wonder why they get so angry when someone proves their beliefs to be wrong.


Why are you talking about NASA?
There are now hundreds of different, independent institutions around the world who own satellites and access to remote sensing data of the Earth from space. NASA is just one. Even students from most well known Tech Universities have launched their own cubesats...

Satellites can't go past the Van Allen Belt / Exosphere. There is no evidence of Satellites in "Space" apart from CGI. There are 2 types of Satellites : Aerostatic Balloons, High Altitude Drones.
Here's some real Satellites:

Have you heard people talk about the Van Allen Belt? It waxes and wanes. Once it actually "waxes" enough, it can then harm low orbit satellites.
This link has more information on it, I hope you read it and learn more about it while ignoring any bias you have.

Before you start claiming something is CGI prove it at least, these balloons that you see are test equipment. For example in the second video what looks like is a high altitude balloon called blast which was used for testing the SPIRE on the Herschel Satellite. Anyways there are many experiments that were visible from earth, such as on the (Luna 2) a 10 kilogram tank of sodium was turned into plasma and was used to study the moon's magnetic field.

Here's plenty of evidence of CGI :

And Aerostatic Balloons carrying Satellites is what they've been using for at least 2 decades, not just some test.

And Aerostatic Balloons obviously cannot reach Space.

There is no hard proof that any Satellite or Spacecraft ever got out of the Van Hallen belts or Exosphere.
I'd like to believe in Space Exploration but unfortunately without evidence it is only a fantasy, and the only evidence actually points to a Conspiracy to deceive humanity.

Instead of sending me compilations of "CGI Proofs" how about you send me one with direct source and timestamp (not only that the video saying how they fake it is clearly viewed in an editting program and is extremely blurry just so it's hard to make it out, so practically you have to believe his word). On the video on faking watching the first three minutes makes me literally immediately click off, what they are clearly saying in the video is that NASA apparently has augment reality contact lenses? Do you know how big this technology would be and ontop of that in real time? Most of this technology is recent development and is extremely bulky. So now please come back with some actual evidence then rather go off what other people tell you what to believe.

the 2nd video I agree is debatable, though augmented contact lenses already exist (military has them and samsung even has a consumer model coming), and it's the only way to explain why the "astronaut" is moving an object which isn't there.
But in the 1st video there's lots of undeniable evidence of CGI (transparent arm etc), harnesses , under water diving (bubbles in space?).....if you can't see it is because you don't want to see it.

Could I have original sources for 1st video (I'd rather have a reputable source that can't be influenced by flat earth, just to prove your point do it), it would be quite nice. Also please give me some proof for the contact lenses, because just modern day headsets for VR require powerful computers to run and they have to plugged in all the time. Yes wireless alternatives now exist but still nonetheless the technology is quite bulky and the resolution for these "Virtual" images wouldn't be quite life like atleast in real time with such "small devices".

This image is from the 3th of January 2018 from the "supposed" ISS, you can find it on NASAs homepage...

Ballhead, this fuckup is only possible because ISS is fake... and why is it fake, because space is fake and the earth is flat... go research it before you make more proof of your ignorance on the blockchain, anonymous troll.

If you knew what video information looks like in the code, you would know that is exactly what you see when there is a disturbance in the signal.

It proves nothing except that a video downlink can be imperfect at times.

Only the 3 people and a few objects in the foreground are distorted, the rest of the background unaffected, its clearly fake. You know why? Apparently not, so let me tell you ones again, because space is fake and the earth is flat.

From now on I will suggest a peace situation, where I stay away from your blog and leave you alone to scam more people without posting the truth on your posts and you stay away from me.

If you agree, then I just ask you one more thing and that is to say hallo to your new friends at steemspeak and that you now finally are getting rid of me, the truther... that are trying to do good in the world and ending the deceiving manipulating liars of the secret societies, who also created the ball lie that you are benefiting from in a scale that should belong in the past.

Do we have an agreement or do you want to damage me and the truth further?


I hope you get damaged further.

"Waaaaa, I downvoted you but now I'm getting downvoted and it's not fair and you're all a bunch of meanies WAAAAAA!"


I'm talking about nasa because they are the organization that came up with this silly idea to trick people into believing in these fairy tales you've posted about, also because you credit their organization or subsidiaries in each of your 'images'.
Thinking that students at tech universities and independent institutions launch their own satellites is a simple belief. There is no evidence for this anywhere, just hearsay. Plus it has been proven to be impossible and faked many times already. Time to wake up and realize you've been duped.

That is just factually incorrect. Whether or not they were right, people believed that the Earth was round and that space existed long before NASA was created. People have sailed around the world, we have been able to make accurate predictions in physics without error based on models that assume the Earth to be round, again long before NASA.

You're saying that I am "being duped". You realize that I work at the European Space Agency and are using satellite data every day? It works, and that is evidence enough.

Have You Spent Any Time Looking into the Other Side of this Century-old Argument? There are sound Arguements to be made in defense of Flat Earth. The Suez Canal and the Lack of Planning for curvature is one such case

Yes I have. Because I am curious about how in 2018, people can still believe that the earth is flat. As someone who cares a lot about education and how we can equip people with the critical thinking and scientific literacy to be able to answer questions for themselves and not rely on just being told what is true and what is false.

I looked into the Suez Canal and you are absolutely right. It would have needed special planning if there existed significant curvature from the starting point in the north, down to the exit at the bottom. So that does suggest that there is no significant curvature there.

But is that necessarily an argument for a flat earth or against a round earth?


Why? Because the Earth can also be round, but uneven. Here's the best model we have at the moment of the Earth based on the results provided from the GOCE satellite which measures gravity around the Earth. (The thinker the Earth is at a point, the stronger the gravity, so thus we can measure the shape)

And lo and behold: If you pause the video at 00:03 you can see that in the Northern part of Africa, the land is indeed "flat" within that limited plane.

Now I know this will not convince you that the Earth is round. But I hope it has at the very least demonstrated to you that examples such as these are not arguments against the earth being round or indeed in favor of the whole Earth being flat.

Can you offer evidence to these claims of it being proven impossible?

Humans have been researching it for 2000 years before NASA. No educated person since the 4th century has believed it's flat based on simple observations anyone can do, such as simple horizon drop. They even have cell phone apps for horizon drop.

horizon dip theodolite app.JPG

If you are worried that nasa has infiltrated the photographers's apps, you can make a homemade water level and get the same results.


This is when people think we only know the earth is round because of nasa. We have literally known this for close to 2000 years before NASA existed, and 500 years before either the masons or the Jesuits existed based on simple observations.

I see no curve on your photos, wonder why?? ahh because there are no curve,.. earth is flat:

LOL. You don't see the very evident horizon drop? Perhaps you need glasses and that is why you think the earth is flat. That IS the curvature of the earth as it drops away from you as you go up in altitude. It's a 'mantra' of Dubay's that the horizon always rises to eye level because it must on a flat earth. But it doesn't. It DROPS, just like in the photo, because of this. And to be a flat earther, you have to ignore these observations that are impossible on a flat earth!


Not sure why, but Steemit cuts off that image, You'll have to go full screen to see it.

And AGAIN, even if everything NASA said was a lie, it simply means NASA lies. How you can determine it's flat simply because you think NASA lies is beyond me when there are literally thousands of simple observations, like horizon drop and increased distance to the horizon (same thing, just expressed in different ways), that prove it's a sphere. No NASA or government needed.

In fact, probably 10% of the people I know who are trying to educate flat earthers also believe NASA lies. They are two completely different topics!

PS. I'm an anarchist. I think NASA should be abolished. But ANYONE can see the earth is round through simple observations we've been making for over 2000 years. Like horizon drop.

If you are TRULY a 'truth seeker' you will distinguish between different conspiracies instead of conflating them all. We need ZERO evidence from NASA, from Masons or Jesuits, or government to be 100% certain the earth is round.... like due to horizon drop, as one of THOUSANDS of simple observations.

I highly suggest you join a local astronomy club and learn to look at the night sky. It's impossible to understand the night sky, particularly the two hemispheres, and still believe the earth is flat.

There are zero amateur astronomers who think the earth is flat because it's patently obvious to them that it's not.

Please please please join an amateur astronomy club and see for yourself.

PPS. I also want to mention that Fredrikaa's reward pool was around $500 when you started this flagging war. It's now up to almost $650. Your war simply gets the intelligent people to back him, and is INCREASING his rewards pool, while they are flagging your posts and removing your rewards.

It is having the opposite effect you intend. I personally know that tons and tons of people have picked up astronomy since the flat earth movement has picked up. So, you are educating people about the world, and more people are going out and seeing the world with their own eyes and learning it's round for themselves. So, thanks for getting more people interested in space and earth science.

" and I constantly wonder why they get so angry when someone proves their beliefs to be wrong."

We get angry because you retards operate at 2nd grader mentality, petulantly asserting that the pictures you just drew with crayons are 'the evidence that disproves' thousands of years of established science and math.

It's not the differing opinions that upset us. It's the unwillingness to use the brains god gave you.

Cognitive dissonance is such a pain in the ass, I get it. It's hard to let yourself know you have been lied to your whole life and couldn't figure it out. It's so much easier to just believe in what others say is correct. If you are willing to do the research you would come to the same conclusion as I have, but you show your inability to do so with your rude and belittling comments. Instead of spewing shit from your mouth about something you know nothing about, you should spend some time doing research and scientific experiments to prove to yourself the shape of the earth, or whether or not satellites in space is possible.

"Cognitive dissonance is such a pain in the ass,"

Your mastery of irony is world class.

"If you are willing to do the research you would come to the same conclusion as I have,"

That is incorrect. Because I have, and because you're retarded.

im so sorry,i made comment before reading yours.i was saying the same sort of thing

Thank you for calling out this fraud, I have been trying to stop him since he came on Steemit... we need to make coordinated effort so he stop raping the reward pool with his frauds:

We need to wake up the people that upvote him.

Need to wake up the people who vote for you.

I'm not the one going around flagging people. :)

Nor am I the one going around posting straight up bullshit.

Nah, he's just threadjacking to use fredrika's popularity to try to scrape some notoriety/popularity for himself.

Like a monkey banging a pan loudly to get attention hoping someone will give him a bananna.

well that is simply not true,,, that I can gaurantee you.. I am very provoked that @fredrikaa is making money on lies:

The earth is flat.

"that I can gaurantee you"

No you can't.

lasseehlers said: "I am very provoked "

You didn't spell that correctly. Here I'll correct it for you.

lasseehlers said: "I am very retarded."

He's the type of poster that is fighting against a growth in STEEM value.

???... I am just very provocated that a balleather working for a fake space agency is making 4000$ pr day on steemit, that was suppose to be the place of truth media.

I know you will not understand it since you believe we live on a spinning ball, which I know is a lie:

I'd rather not see you scare people off with your trash. I want to help this platform grow, not see you give it a reputation of being home to crazy people.

Steemit is the place for truth media, I can't help it that you go around spreading lies.

Looks like you don't know the difference between a truth and a lie. If you believe in something just because an authority on the subject tells you it's true, it doesn't mean it's actually true. Try using your brain on your own instead of just believing in these silly fairy tales. There's so much to learn when you just educate yourself instead of letting someone else program your brain.

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