Life on Moons in our Solar System is Possible - New NASA Discovery

in #space7 years ago (edited)

NASA space probe Cassini is orbiting Saturn and also exploring Saturn's moon Enceladus that has global frozen ocean with 5Km of ice shell and liquid ocean underneath, the instruments on Cassini proved the existence of Molecular Hydrogen on Enceladus, that opens a portal to whole new set of possibilities.

Molecular Hydrogen increases possibility for life, it could support microbes that that can produce Methane. Hydrothermal vents could be very similar to Earth ones, and we know that life is blooming around those vents where pressure and temperature is so high that it would not be logical to think life can survive there, if life can survive on such inhospitable places on Earth, then there is a possibility for life under those icy shells of Enceladus and Europa with proven existence of Hydrogen. To prove life actually exists there will be very hard to do. Easy or hard, the eyes of the curious ones will be opened either way.  

Meanwhile on Earth

I wish these kind of discoveries would excite people more and urge them to learn about science, it is disheartening to see all the wars and suffering on this planet while we push for new frontiers. Humanity can truly move forward once we get rid of all the suffering, only then these kind of discoveries would mean everything for every Human being on the planet. 


There's still a LOT of very important issues that need to be solved, but... yes, it looks like a nice panorama.

So many issues to solve for sure, space is not your living room, so many things can hurt or kill you. Science and time will bring solutions.

They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars - on stars where no human race is.
I have it in me so much nearer home
To scare myself with my own desert places.
Robert Frost

Insane, love this space stuff! I'm excited about the new Telescope launch in 2018 (James Webb Space telescope) that will allow scientists to see structures on that new solar system TRAPPAIST-1 (they verified a few months ago) which has 6 earth like planets, 3 of which are in the "Goldielocks Zone."

So many exciting things for space exploration are happening right now, I love it. TRAPPAIST system seems promising from a far. There is a good chance there is some form of life on one of the planets. Hard to find out for sure, we can only speculate for now. Good kind of speculation :)

A connection to the cosmos makes one aware of how petty most of the things we fight about are.

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