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in #space7 years ago

Prior to the space race it became clear that it will cost much to any its participants extremely. The start of the spaceship is preceded by formation of the concept, development of samples of the space equipment, creation of scientific and industrial base, infrastructure, training. Within its powers only to the most powerful industrially developed states.

Flight price

When determining the price of flight first of all the relation of mass of the payload (P) to the mass of the spacecraft in general is defined. Today it doesn't exceed 19%. Introduction of new technologies already in the near future will raise this indicator to 25%.

Unfortunately, there are no uniform criteria of determination of cost of cargo delivery in space. The figures appearing in open sources badly correspond with each other in view of a difference of currencies and time of start. The rate of inflation, change of a world environment can influence cost.

In certain cases at assessment of cost of start-up the cost of not filled carrier rocket undertakes, but work of services of providing, insurance size therefore the speech can go only about approximate figures isn't taken into account.

And still according to experts, the main expenses fall on preparation and start of the carrier rocket. By their calculations, a conclusion to an orbit of kilogram of a payload costs from 10 to 25 thousand dollars.

In space according to the tour

The idea of space tourism has been for the first time voiced half a century back in the USA by Barron Hilton and Eric Kraft. However her embodiment required more than 30 years. On April 28, 2001 the first space tourist Dennis Tito has gone to the ISS. Kosmotur has cost him 20 million dollars.

"The tourist season" at the ISS has come to the end in October, 2009 with flight of the Canadian Gui Laliberte who had to lay out already 35 million dollars. In total the station was visited by 7 space tourists.

How much for today to depart to space the tourist? It is clear, that for a long time the cost of space tourism will be available only to owners of hard purses.

It is clear as well the fact that demand for future commercial flights is very high and the prices of them will be inevitably fall that is promoted in many respects by growth of number of participants of the market the kosmoturisticheskikh of services.

Among them there are organizers of flights to the ISS pioneers of space tourism – RSC Energia and the Space Adventures company. The serious competition by him is made by Virgin Galactic, XCOR Aerospace, Blue Origin, Space X (USA). Also the list of the services offered by them spreads.

So the World View and ZeroZinfinity companies are going to offer flight in a stratosphere (30-45 km) in balloons for 75 and 116 thousand dollars respectively. The American company Zerog is ready to provide to the clients flight by plane with zero gravity (on 20-30 sec.) for 5000 dollars. The ticket for the perspective spaceship of the Virgin Galactic company will cost from 150 to 200 thousand dollars.

The most advanced potential space tourists even more often ask a question: How much for flight to the Moon? As the representative of Roskosmos Alexey Krasnov has reported, the ticket for the Moon can be bought from calculation that all flight will cost approximately 100 million dollars.

Start-up become cheaper

Lately the number of participants of the space market has multiply grown up, and, therefore, the competition between them becomes tougher in this connection the tendency to reduction in cost of start-up was outlined.

So the American companies Blue Origin and Space X headed by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk actively work on creation of inexpensive reusable carrier rockets. The technology of air start from a board of the transport plane is studied. Prospects for renewal of the suspended international project "Sea Start" were outlined.

In addition, works on creation of more perfect and economic engines are conducted. The klinovozdushny rocket engine (KVRD) for the perspective one-stage carrier rocket Demonstrator 3 which is developed by ARCA Space Corporation can be an example of that.


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