
in #space2 years ago

OMG = O'Keefe Media Group. After the lizard people banned James O'Keefe from Project Veritas, a non-profit organization he founded, he went on to create OMG. James is sending hundreds to thousands of spy cameras to people like you. Want a camera? Go contact OMG. OMG = Oatmeal Media Group. Man was here fixing the oven and fridge to fix oven burners and a clogged draining pipe for the fridge. Some of that was fixed perhaps today.

If RED was banned, then just prevent it from being sent. It is easy to put it in the code of your website. Imagine you are the king of Twitter. If you do not want me to say RED, you do not have to ban me if I say RED. You do not have to punish me if I say RED. You do not even have to warn me if I say RED. Instead, just make it so I cannot send RED. Any computer person would tell you just make it so when a person types in a banned word, it will not send. This is called prevention over correction. Instead, social media pretends to correct over prevent. Instead of stopping a person from typing in RED which is easy to do in the code of the website, they pretend to correct users via punishing them, that is called social engineering which is a psychological tool meant to destroy humanity.



Billy Breaker is Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Making Oatmeal
Melting Oatmeal

Contact Me/Add Me/Follow Me


Screenshot at 2023-03-16 21-58-17.png

North Korean Yeonmi Park and her friends.

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-03-16 - Thursday | Published in March of 2023


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:03 AM
Star Wars: The Mandalorian 303, Convert, Spoiler Review





INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


Twitter Tweets

No. Was locked out for saying KUSH.



2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg


Discord Drama

10:00 AM

Kenni always wore a hood over her head just like Kenny from South Park. Mars could see all the way to Mars. At least by the fall of 2003 during high school (if not earlier), my younger sister, Crystal Ann Arnold, was wearing a hood over her head, that was her Freshman year and my Senior year, so I would see her in the hallways. It must have been her friends who started calling her Kenni from South Park, I forget which year exactly or who gave her that nickname. In the early 2000s one time, Kenni knew 2 boys, they must have been like fifteen. They were both shot with a gun. I think one ended up surviving. At least one if not both of those guys thought they were living in simulation, a video game, or I have no idea. It must have been that they shot themselves or something. At least one if not both of those guys thought they were living in simulation, a video game, or I have no idea. It must have been that they shot themselves or something. This story may be in newspapers out there. It adds to the irony of Kenni who always die again and again. One boy did not die but was left like blind. Life before 9/11 for me was the same as it was for Gerald Celente. Mars can see to Mars. Arnie is Arnie. There is M&M who is now M&M again. Peanut Butter who is not Mr. L. Oatmeal is Cool Kid. I love my pot. I have been looking at my pot all day. I told people on TikTok about my pot. Marshmallow Pepsi is probably delicious a bit. I am giving my pot a bath as we speak. I put my pot in my crock pot. Ian has seen my pot, so please do not tell Roy. Ian, if you show Roy my pot, you will ruin it, you will ruin it. My pot is growing. Ian, I cannot believe Roy does not know about my pot collection. Ian, do not worry, Sherlock Holmes Roy Merrick will crack the code, Roy will find my pot, pun intended, I mean no pun intended, I mean who knows if it is pun, if it is not a pun, it is a pun, it is not a pun. That drawing is not a clue. This is probably the best mystery I have ever created, it has fooled the great Roy. Roy fooled me in 2002 with his fake name. My pot is everything to me. Roy probably already knows about my pot. I think the pot conspiracy is pretty obvious. Kathy stole my pot. That is why I was yelling at the Leaf Pagoda. That is why I was yelling at Circle K. I think the pot conspiracy is pretty obvious. Kathy stole my pot. That is why I was yelling at the Leaf Pagoda. That is why I was yelling at Circle K. If Roy does not know about my pot, then he will eventually say it as soon as he figures it out. When I told people about my pot on TikTok, they begged me for some as they will never go on YouTube.

They call them Easter Eggs.
Oatmeal has a lot of Easter Eggs.
I mean pot.
Good question.
I am on a diet.
I am on pot.
All the eggs are having babies. Kenni & Socks. I'd rock her socks off. I wish I could rock more off. Not Socks the cat. Roy is hypnotizing me. The Oatmeal Funeral Funnel. I pound the kbs like I pound the stolen pot. Roy, I do not have TB. Roy, do you want to get a room with me & Batman so you can give me TB? Cop Roy, yes, please ban me. The problem is they didn't grant my wish. They did not ban me. They banned some of me but not all of me. What's up with doing a job half way? Finish me like it's Mortal Kombat already. Put me out of my misery, run me over like I'm a male version of the Wicked Witch of the Wizard of Oz but in RoboCop at the end, just run me over like you are Red, not that Red, with clogged up glasses from That 70's Show and That 90's Show. Big Red Dog Mickey Morehead of the 2001 New York City Gangster Run, no not that Red. Little Red Ghetto Riding Hood Crystal You Killed South Park Kenni Arnold, don't talk to stranger danger wolves, you sure are looking good, no not that Red. The 2009 Lady in Red Oatmeal in The Salvation Army Long Beach church with youth pastor Lincoln Hawk, Red dressed in drag like Rudy, no not that Red. Clifford The PBS cartoon Big Red Dog, AKA not my Red Dog, their Red Dog, no not that Red. In 2022, YouTube accounts on Twitter responded to my tweets a few times and then started ghosting me after about three weeks like into November or December. The YouTube emails and tweets were similar, it may have been sent by bots or it may have been canned dialog, a copy and paste formality as they respond to possibly thousands to millions of comments, emails, messages, and what not, like all of the time. YouTube no longer responds to my emails, tweets, or the forms. How do I speak to a human? I shaved off my eyebrows in Hawaii. Facebook deleted my accounts. Tell Facebook to send me my photos. Facebook might have said something to the effect that it is a security risk for them to send me the data they stole from me. Facebook stole my pot. I have spoofed phones? I wrote I was banned on Facebook in 2010. I'm not saying I wasn't also terminated, censored, or what have you, at other times too like before 2010 as well. My first Blu phone was in or after 2018. It must have been around 2010 and/or to 2012 when I was losing older accounts and what not on Facebook, I was trying to get it back during those years, I was trying to negotiate with Facebook at least since 2010 if not longer than that too. I was banned, censored, and what not off social media, websites, forums, and what not, since at least 2010 if not since like the early 2000s on the Internet. I started feeling it. So, I started thinking that I had to create dozens if not hundreds of sock puppet accounts in order to survive. I was negotiating with Facebook. You go into the settings. You press buttons. You fill out forms. You click on the options provided. You go through their systems. You report. You complain. You get sent feedback, responses. You continue around and around through the processes provided. 5/ You scan it. You copy it. You tell Molly. You call the cops. I need that. Good thing Roy will not save me. Facebook has a fax? What the fax. 6/ Roy wrote: "Did you fax them? 650-253-0001" What the fax. I like big butts and I cannot lie. MC Hammer, can't touch it. Honey, does this dress make my butt look fax? Oh. That's not Facebook. It's YouTube? 7/ It is very hard to get @TeamYouTube to talk to you. YouTube support specialists don't typically deal with strikes. More over, they don't really deal directly with decisions which were made in the past. 8/ Suzie is no longer there I hear. Here is what would happen if you call up YouTube on the phone. After holding several hours or longer, you will try to tell them your problem. They'll say they'll look into it. 9/ Eventually, they will contact you back and say, "You broke the rules many times. That is why your channel was suspended. Have a nice day. Good bye." 10/ There is no difference between calling them, emailing them, filling out their forms, tweeting at them, contacting them, writing to them, that is unless if you can contact actual Google representatives meaning staff at higher levels of their systems. 11/ The trick is to have connections, you have to simply know the right people to get ahead in life, you also have to get lucky because it would require a deep forensic investigation into YouTube's relationship with me since at least 2017 when I first had an account banned. Because the real people are not going to look at my actual situation. Ian, Roy is drunk again. 12/ Yeah. Roy is yelling at his computer again. Wait. No. Roy is yelling at his fax machine again. That is how old and black and white Roy is. What is a FORTRAN? Roy, why would I delete my YouTube channels? What did I say? If I wanted to do something I could easily do without saying anything at all, then why did I say what I said? Why did I say whatever the pot you think I said? I said they should ban me. I did not say I should delete my accounts. 13/ Here I am dying on the cross for your pot. Mea Omnia. Put me out of my misery. I did not say I would put myself out of my own misery. Roy wants me to help myself, but I have a pot addiction. Roy, I refuse to give up my pot. I wonder if EZ Blazer has any pot for me. Roy, I want to be on YouTube, what the pot. Roy, YouTube said I cannot be on YouTube. Roy, I followed the YouTube rules. But YouTube said I did not follow the YouTube rules. Roy I create YouTube accounts in 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, etc. My OJAWALL-01 account channel was permanently suspended off YouTube in 2017. 14/ I created OJAWALL-01 in 2009 and JOEYARNOLDVN around 2014 and JOEYARNOLD7 around like 2011. But those channels were suspended in 2017 and 2018 and 2022. 15/ Roy asked if I created new YouTube channels after being banned. No. In 2017, I was banned. After that, I used other accounts. Old accounts. Not new accounts. 16/ YouTube staff will not look into my situation. They will look up my account. It will simply have a cover story. It will simply say I broke the rules too many times. I will say which rules, which videos specifically. But they will say all of them. 17/ They will not know personally just like when I was fired as a Bell Ringer at The Salvation Army. Les Misérables is inspirational. 18/ This is the paradox. I am on YouTube. But YouTube said I cannot be on YouTube. But I am on YouTube. Something is not right. One of these things is not like each other. The famous PBS Sesame Street song. 19/ One of these things do not belong. Lamb Chop Play-Along, it's the song that never ends. Cynthia forever. 20/ Roy wrote: "If you're banned from a store...you don't go back." But who said I left the store? 21/ In February 2023, Oatmeal went back into that same Goodwill he was banned from and talked to Clam. 22/ Oatmeal is still in that elevator that goes up trillions of galaxies high from the famous Land of the Universe. 23/ Ian wrote: "one day you'll pop out of your closet. it's 1995. you tell Rick you're 38." I will come out with an Alex Jones voice. 24/ My Ian. Not your Ian. Not Ian Crossland who banned me on Discord. I was on an Ian Crossland server on Discord. I was either banned by Ian or by the other mods. I get banned from Discord servers. @blazer#5547, Kathy took my pot. You got my voice down pretty well in the audio. I thought it was Ian impersonating me. Ian turned my typed words into audio. Roy, can you DeepFake my body and face? Roy is still better as Roy can do visuals, but Ian is a close second with his audio. Sniff, stop doing pot with Kathy. @blazer#5547, Peanut Butter Oatmeal Tapes. Who is Bill Bailey? Not that Bill. For a second I thought the real Bill was here. I thought Tiffany Cumbo was gone forever around 1998. @blazer#5547, I have a new nickname for the Arnold Attic. The Peanut Butter Oatmeal Tapes. Peanut Butter is my brother. Silent B. Drop the B and what do you get? EZ Blazer: "WEED by Oatmeal Joey Arnold ( Where Edited Education Dies)." So I guess I should not go too hard with the pot. I can just call it PBOT. EZ Blazer: "K U S H ( KATHY UNDERESTIMATED SEXY HARNOLD ). GOAT ( GERALDY ONLY ASKS TWICE ). Goatmeal Goey Garnold." Triple G. Ian: "GOATmeal Joey Harnold. Rick "My Little Brother Was 10 But Now He's 38" Harnold." My dad's dad was born in the Netherlands. I got 60K views for a video on TikTok. I think that sort of gave me a bump. But only a small bump of a like a few more people out of that 60K might be a little curious about the pot. I thought Twitter would be better than Discord. Discord has not yet. How many years does it take Discord to attack me? I try to copy and paste my comments on Discord to my blog, I screenshot some of it so that I am ok if Discord ever decides to nuke me like Geraldy Jones. I watched a few episodes of Velma, I made spoiler reviews on it. I am a Rasp internally. I am a little scared to bash anybody in videos because I am afraid of getting banned again. This might be my dad's dad's dad, but I have not yet confirmed who this might be. My Vietnamese name was Nguyen Hieu or something like that, I even had a separate Facebook account with that name.



2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


03:24 PM
I would not be banned if Twitter simply gave me a warning every time I broke a rule. For example, if I say KUSH, then Twitter can say you cannot say KUSH. Here is your one warning. We will give you 1 week to read this. At this time next week, if you say KUSH, we will lock your account for one hour. If you do it again after that, it will be 2 hours. And so on and so forth. Twitter locked me out for 12 hours for saying KUSH. Twitter should lock me out for saying Satan. A warning should be a punishment. Being locked out or banned is a punishment. The purpose of a warning is to persuade a person away from potential punishment in order to prevent said punishment as opposed to being the punishment in and of itself. Combining punishments and warnings together is a dangerous thing. How am I supposed to remember which words are banned? Why are words banned? Why not ban Hitler? Why not ban Lenin, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Satan? Why not ban CHILD-PORN? You missed the boat like my grandpa missed the Titanic. They might as well ban all kinds of words like Hitler. Also, two words, "CHILD-PORN." I'm not talking about images, videos, etc. I'm talking about the words themselves. Like imagine I write on Twitter, "CHILD PORN IS BAD." Imagine Twitter saying to me, "You are banned because you said the C-P word. Never mind that you didn't post actual C-P related content. But we don't care about the context. We are banning you for the words themselves regardless of the context." Roy, you are offensive to me. Roy, everything you say to me is offensive. Roy, your mom is offensive to me. Roy, you are pretending to be inside my head, that is offensive. Roy, you are trying to read my heart, my intentions, that is offensive to me. Roy, when you post poop, that is offensive to me. Roy, I am offended when you mock me. Roy said people should be banned for being offensive. I am offended by what Roy does. Therefore by Roy's own logic, Roy should be banned.

05:04 PM
If RED was banned, then just prevent it from being sent. It is easy to put it in the code of your website. Imagine you are the king of Twitter. If you do not want me to say RED, you do not have to ban me if I say RED. You do not have to punish me if I say RED. You do not even have to warn me if I say RED. Instead, just make it so I cannot send RED. Any computer person would tell you just make it so when a person types in a banned word, it will not send. This is called prevention over correction. Instead, social media pretends to correct over prevent. Instead of stopping a person from typing in RED which is easy to do in the code of the website, they pretend to correct users via punishing them, that is called social engineering which is a psychological tool meant to destroy humanity. You do not have to punish people after they do bad thing, just stop them before they do it. That is easy to do. They lie and say it is hard to do. It is not hard to prevent the bad. You can stop it before it happens. You making these videos inspires me to interact more on Discord. The Ian Genie is free like Robin. My Robin. Not your Robin. Michael Jackson singing Baskin Robins while being beaten by Joe, not my Joe, his Joe, while eating ice-cream, no not that Robin. Female black racist Robin who stars in Warner Bros Gotham Knights with the adopted son of Batman who dies just like Han Solo, James Bond, Picard, Superman, and almost everybody in Avengers thanks to that blue guy, not my blue guy, their blue guy, no not that Robin. Robin Baker, the girlfriend of my father, Donald Rasp, who had a dog named Lucky, who sent me to prison for allegedly beating the living oatmeal out of her in 2012, no not that Robin. That little early robin bird flying around eating up the worms, the Earth Worm Jim, the Worms with the guns, no not that robin. The you will never ever have a friend like me with Aladdin & Jasmin, the you will be big with Bill Cosby, not my Bill, the other Bill, the you will never ever grow up with Julia Roberts, you will laugh while having a good will hunting with Matt Damon, the kids and aliens say the darnest things with Mork & Mindy, the you will eat your vegetables and spinach with Popeye the trailer trash ghetto Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow Pirates of Caribbean sailor, and the cross dressing in order to see the love children you created with Sally Field the flying monkey monk, the one and only Robin Williams, yes that Robin. Great balls of fire. I was banned from a Christian website. I posted a video of Jesus. I was possibly banned from The Salvation Army. For being too goofy and for my beliefs, possibly, allegedly. I was banned from the Kells Irish Restaurant for asking to only work one day a week, allegedly. I was banned from the Daniel A. Grout Elementary School for eating children. I mean eating with the children, allegedly. I was banned from joining the Word Of Life Impact Team for being too Clay Aiken girly, even as they had some girly men on the team, they would go around the East Coast singing and stuff, people would tell me to get on American Idol or America Got Talent. I was banned from being black when I was born, as you can see I was born totally white, but I grew up wanting to be tall, black, in the NBA, singing like Michael Jackson, acting like Will slapping Chris Rock Smith. In 2006, I was banned from joining the Word of Life Impact Team in New York by Japanese Kazu Kato who said I was too girly, I mean that I lacked like leadership experience which I said let me on and then I will have that experience you guys seek and how in the pot am I supposed to get experience if nobody gives it to me, like a feedback loop of failure. I am 5'8" and I can reach the top layer of the net. Kazu Kato was teaching some of the classes at my first college in Pottersville (there's that word again, pot), the Word Of Life Bible Institute in upper-state New York, about an hour from Albany, Kato is super smart. In February of 2023, Peanut Butter had a duel of the fates with Oatmeal, he beat me 10-7. I will need to get back in shape and everything. I'm like Damon Stoudamire. Worf is just like Ben's master. I saw Worf yesterday. I was like wow hello Worf. I was like who let the dogs out Worf Michael Dorn. Yeah. He sat down and almost turned off his heart in meditation in season 3 of Star Trek Picard. I saw him on my TV. But it was like as if he was there with me. First 2 seasons of Picard is retarded. But what you heard was relating to seasons 1 and 2 of Picard. The third season is a different show. It feels like a different show. I was learning to dribble maybe 1991 when I was six. Started playing on a team at schools in like 1993. My brother and my dad would watch NBA basketball. I was really watching much of it until the 1998 NBA Finals. I was sort of a fan of Clyde Drexler before 1998 possibly but I didn't care about the Portland Trail-Blazers, the Jail Blazers, until 1999 through to like 2004. I was sort of a fan of the stars like MJ in the 1990s in general but was not rooting for specific teams until 1998 and then 1999.

I got a 16 bit Neo Geo Pocket Color for Christmas 1999. It released in North America on the 6th of August of 1999 for $69.95. Within weeks or months, I broke it. I got my first camcorder 48 days later for my birthday in February of 2000. I have no memory of playing with it when I got my camcorder which probably means I broke it before my birthday. On the 3rd of January of 2000, I mentioned our Furby meaning we had a Furby at least by that time. I'm guessing we got it Christmas of 1999 or it had be after April of 1997 is my guess. 2000-01-05 - Wednesday - 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM - HCBC - Mike wanted to trade his Game Boy Color for my Neo Geo Pocket Color, I ended up not doing the trade that day.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Bad Bash

2023-03-16 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Star Wars: The Bad Batch 213: Pabu

Negotiating. Fight scene was good. She thinks Omega should learn other skills too. They save a city from a flood.


2023-03-16 - Thursday - 12:07 AM - Star Wars: The Mandalorian 303: Chapter 19: The Convert | Spoiler

A dog fight in the sky. On the city planet is the man who cloned people. He said he is sorry he worked for the empire. But he also said cloning could have saved his mom who needed a heart. Cloning can be good in some ways I agree but in reality there has been cancer cells used in making fake meat thanks to Microsoft Bill Gates and others. Globalists want immortality same as Palpatine. Focuses on that guy. Amnesty program. The girl who looks like a guy but has boobs.

Picard 305

2023-03-16 - Thursday - 01:31 AM - Star Trek Picard 305: Imposters | Spoiler | 2 | Twitter

Spoiler Review, What I Liked About Star Trek Picard 305.

You think Star Fleet is coming to put Picard in prison. Turns out no they are infiltrated. Earrings as a USB memory stick. Jack is seeing things. I thought Worf died but not really. She was a handler for Worf. Interesting conversations.

04:33 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Thursday 3/16/23 • Financial Expert Edward Dowd Reveals BOMBSHELL Intel

07:53 PM
OMG = O'Keefe Media Group. After the lizard people banned James O'Keefe from Project Veritas, a non-profit organization he founded, he went on to create OMG. James is sending hundreds to thousands of spy cameras to people like you. Want a camera? Go contact OMG. OMG = Oatmeal Media Group.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 09:30 AM partly cuz cold I guess. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 09:35 AM. Discord fun with Ian, Roy, Batman. Lil Sniff almost came in. But no. Lunch, 12:50 PM. Dishes around 02:30 PM to 03:00 PM, it included recycling out, got the mail, sunny day, snow hill is melting a bunch. Dinner, 07:39 PM. Food log: Breakfast: grapes, coffee, 09:35 AM. Lunch: delicious shepherd's pie mixed with chicken breasts and stuff soup, 12:50 PM. Yummy peanut butter cookie stuff.
Dinner: more of the soup, 07:39 PM. Footnote: ADVICE ON HOW TO FIND ME SOMEDAY IN THE FUTURE WHEN MY WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA/BLOGS ARE DOWN/DEAD. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, etc. ACCOUNTS. LIBRARY. THINGS | PRINCIPLES | SEARCH | FILES | LINKS | MAPS | PROJECTS | SERIES | TIMELINE | UPDATES. WELCOME TO THE MAIN MENU OF MY DECENTRALIZED WEBSITE | HOME | ABOUT | LOCATION | QUESTIONS | SEARCH | SUBJECTS | TIMELINE | TOPICS | TYPES | OUTLINE. PLEASE START HERE IF YOU ARE NEW. HELLO. WELCOME TO MY BLOG IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME, HERE IS MY INTRODUCTION. MY NAME IS OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD. I MAKE CONTENT AND OTHER THINGS TOO BOTH ONLINE AND OFFLINE. IT MAY SOMETIMES BE HARD TO FIND MY VIDEOS BECAUSE YOUTUBE BANNED MY 10K+ VIDEOS BECAUSE I SAID TRUMP WON 2020 IN A VIDEO I UPLOADED IN 2021. IT CAN ALSO BE HARD TO FIND MY PHOTOS OR MEMES BECAUSE FACEBOOK SOMETIMES SUSPENDS SOME OF MY ACCOUNTS. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. YOU CAN ALSO JOIN MY CULT ON DISCORD. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY USERNAMES. SINCE 2014, MY MAIN OFFICIAL USERNAME HAS BEEN @ JOEYARNOLDVN (AND STILL IS CURRENTLY AS OF 2022). KNOWING THIS CAN HELP YOU FIND MY CONTENT IN THE FUTURE. I'VE HAD DIFFERENT USERNAMES OVER THE YEARS. TO FIND LISTS OF MY CONTENT, YOU COULD TRY SEARCHING FOR MY ANNUAL BLOG OUTLINES. I'M CURRENTLY HOSTING MY BLOG ON HIVE . BLOG OR HTTPS :// HIVE . BLOG. THAT IS THE DOMAIN NAME TO THE BLOCKCHAIN WEBSITE THAT I PUBLISH MY BLOG POSTS & ARTICLES TO. I ALSO TRY TO SYNDICATE MY CONTENT ELSEWHERE AS WELL. YOU'RE ENCOURAGED TO MIRROR MY CONTENT. IT IS NOT COPYRIGHTED. PLEASE WRITE DOWN MY DOMAIN NAMES. TO FIND MY CONTENT, YOU JUST HAVE TO REMEMBER THREE THINGS. THE URL WEB ADDRESS TO MY DAILY BLOG POST IS THE DOMAIN NAME, MY USERNAME, AND THE DATE. JUST REMEMBER THOSE THREE THINGS. YOU CAN FIND A BLOG POST FOR EACH DAY GOING BACK TO 2020. FOR EXAMPLE, THE LAST DAY OF OCTOBER CAN BE FOUND AT Hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/2022-10-31 - THAT IS URL HIVE . BLOG / @ JOEYARNOLDVN / 2022-10-31. AS YOU CAN SEE, THERE ARE ONLY THREE PARTS TO THAT WEB LINK. BUT SOMETIMES LINKS CAN DIE. SO, AT ANY TIME, MY LINKS MAY DIE. SOMETIMES, DOMAINS DIE OR CHANGE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF HIVE DIES, THEN CHECK STEEMIT . COM OR BLURT . ORG OR OTHERS. PLEASE STEAL MY CONTENT. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND REUPLOAD (MIRROR) MY CONTENT. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE ME CREDIT. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T DELETE OVER TEN THOUSAND FUCKING VIDEOS OF MINE LIKE YOUTUBE ILLEGALLY DID IN OCTOBER OF 2022. PEOPLE SHOULD SUE THE HELL OUT OF THEM FOR DOING THAT. Answers. Archeology. Archive. Articles. Art. Arts. Autobiography. Basketball. Bible. Blogs. Books. Choices. Communication. Construction. Contact. Content. Copyright. Crypto. Culture. Dance. Design. Dictionary. Directory. Download. Education. Emotions. English. Entertainment. Feelings. Find. Freedom. Fun. Games. Geography. Groups. Health. Help. History. Home. Independence. Language. Law. Legends. Life. Love. Market. Math. Memes. Mirror. Money. More. Music. News. Other. Parts. People. Photos. Places. Play. Problems. Psychology. Questions. Religion. Rights. Services. Science. Social. Sorry. Store. Support. Technology. Timeline. Topics. Videos. Visual. Watch. We. Websites. Work. You. Zoo. No class.

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