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RE: There's a Planet Stuck to The Bottom of My Shoe And I Can't Get It Off

in #space7 years ago

So totally a bummer. I agree. We agree. It's real big-like, in'nit? Something I'll never fully understand and everything that I'm made up of and the reason I breathe. Yet, I'll forever be perplexed. And that's why we invoke a God. I get why anyone would. It's comforting. It's an answer to and excuse for intellectual laziness. It's just another thing that's entirely human of us to do. But - I rather like the questions and the wondering. I'd like the wandering even more. If we only ever could. But then, do we really want to do that? Hm. Might be the death of us, but I doubt that's really worth worrying about at this point since we seem to have already taken care of that problem. The human problem. Humans are a problem aren't we? What are we good for, afterall? Wondering...and then we die. Shall I share the song now? I think I will:

Totally not a cynic. That's a happy song.

And on listening (if you're still listening):

You see the problem here? If we're all working five jobs and raising little Einsteins and plugged into the matrix 24/ are we ever going to stop long enough to listen? We won't. So they do. I'm thankful for that. Not that hopeful, but you never know. And that's the point. We don't know -till we find out. Highly doubt we'll last long enough, but oh how amazing it all truly is. My awe is always followed by that feeling of angry sad at our damned and doomed reality, though. I miss Carl Sagan. He got it.

(Nice writing, btw. Totes worth my two, err, one cents. It makes cents. Your writing makes cents. Don't feel bad. That's a compliment.)


You get it. I wasn't trying to be clever. It was just a slightly bloated piece on what you are describing above. Never being able to know WTF is going on. The cosmic joke.

Elton John manages to elevate bleak futility into an ode to acceptance. Carl Sagan changed my world too.

That was genius gold and I smiled my first smile since last night. Just please note that it wasn't the resort man from the Virgin Islands who put me in this mood. I'm not petty like that. It's more a question of having been hit by a bus yesterday and while I'm lying in agony, a bee comes along and plants his ass in my nose.

I feel happy for anyone who comes along and views this post after all this. Turning out to be pretty funny. I think we've proven a point too. Ponder your existence and ye shall go mad. Join us? Anyone? That's when they all go running the other way.

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