Hurricanes and the Kardeshev Scale

in #space7 years ago

Reply to a LaRouche theme...

VIDEO: "Can we weaken hurricanes? Yes! With a galactic perspective on weather control"

My reply:

Just a stray thoughts here... This is something which you might want to be aware of for future reference, I don't have any mental picture of humans achieving anything like this within the next 10 or 12 years or anything like that. The idea of a Kardeshev scale is something from the realm of futurism and not from science fiction. According to the scale, a class I civilization would be a civilization which had managed to harness all of the energy from a nearby star which came to their own planet; a class II civilization would be one which had managed to harness the entire output of a nearby star.

If you include dwarf stars in that sort of calculus, then the picture becomes interesting, since a case could conceivably be made that something resembling a class II civilization once existed within our own system. There are a number of things within our system which are clearly artificial and which are on a scale which is so far beyond anything which we have ever built within recorded history on earth, that they could not plausibly have been built using any of the techniques which we have ever used to build things.

The face megalith at the Cydonia region on Mars, something like 2.5 miles from top to bottom:

Mars'little moon Phobos was known (from orbit parameters) to be non-solid as early as the 1950s. Richard Hoagland has been claiming that you can almost count the rivets in the grayscale images which were available 20 years ago; the color HIRISE images from 2008 leave no doubt that the thing is artificial and clearly made of metallic strakes. Real moons are not supposed to reflect light all over creation like that.

There is simply no way to believe that anybody ever mined that much metal. There are possible explanations/theories for Phobos which would involve a class II Kardeshev civilization and one of the dwarf stars.

The idea of somebody finally managing to gain enough control over our own sun to prevent monster hurricanes, assuming the sun has anything to do with what we have just seen, would not seem to be any more outlandish than the idea of using some kind of cosmic power to create gigantic megaliths or metallic space stations which were 15 miles across.


Of course, when I use the term dwarf stars within the context of our own system, I am referring to the two former dwarf stars Jupiter and Saturn.

The name associations between planets and the pantheon gods and goddesses of ancient religions are primordial. All ancient religions were astral in nature; the funny thing is that a group of primitive people today seeking to devise an astral religion from scratch, would end up worshiping the sun and the moon, but the two chieftain gods of every one of the old religions were Jupiter and Saturn, and not the sun or moon. That makes no sense within the context of our present system.

Vestiges of the ancient reality are still all around us. We still refer to our Sabbath as Saturn's day; the chief Roman religious Festival was called Saturnalia; the two most common names for God in the Bible and in the ancient near East were El (Saturn) and Jahveh which is the same basic word is Jove (Jupiter).

Both Ovid and Hesiod claim that there had been a Golden age during which Saturn/Kronos was the "King of heaven", followed by the flood and then a brief silver age during which Jupiter/Zeus was the King of heaven, followed by the age of the Trojan war and then our present (iron) age.

In the same language, our present sun is the "King of heaven" now. What the ancient authors were claiming, in their own language, not ours, is that there were two recent ages during which our planet was associated first with Saturn and then with Jupiter, before ever beginning to orbit the sun directly and before our system finally stabilized in its present configuration.

There is sufficient reason to believe that in those prior ages, both Jupiter and Saturn were dwarf stars.

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