Steepshot: Back at the Space Agency HQ in Paris

in #space7 years ago

Back at work after a Christmas holiday in Norway. I expect 2018 to be an exciting year, which also means a busy year!

Here I am in front of the ESA headquarters in Paris. Not the most exciting place, but the flags gives it a nice international feeling!

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Let me know when You’re back in Norway again! But for now, enjoy Paris!

Next time: Easter holiday
Next time after that: Spaceport Norway ( )

Paris has welcomed me back alright! Already loving the food here again ^^ maybe it is about time I do a Susanne style food post!

Looking good.^^ Back to work. Hope to see more of ESA and fun stuff you are working on.

Thanks! That you can most certainly rely on! :)
Although most of the interesting stuff to look at is not in the Headquarters in Paris, but at other ESA Centres like the Tech centre in the Netherlands. I can do a post with images from there though.

Take care :)

If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.

Yup! If you're not enjoying life in Paris while young, you're doing something wrong ^^

Regner med at det er snegler du spiser til både middag og kvelds siden du har blitt halvt fransk? :p
Tror jeg må ta å sjekke ut Steepshot jeg også!

Hehe, har prøvd dem ut men ikke noe som har blitt en fast diett ;P

Steepshot er en veldig kul App hvis du kun vil dele et bilde med litt tekst fra mobilen. Nå er den riktignok forstatt i tidlig beta fase, så noen direkte konkurent til Instagram er den vel ikke helt enda (håper f-eks det kan bli lettere å ha "venner" eller "kontakter" som gjelder kun for Steepshot slik at man kan dele bilder kun med en nærere sirkel av venner. Men synes det er utrolig kult at slike Apper blir bygget på STEEM. Betyr jo at en til slutt kan ende opp med en "alt i en" løsning der Apper snakker på kryss og tvers og håndterer dataen dine og følgerne dine på blockchainen.

Så jeg er veldig positiv til den så langt :)

Ja, merker at den er i testfase enda, og er enig i at den må noen hakk opp med features som du nevner. Kanskje også med push varsler på kommentarer osv også.
Syns vel kanskje at det er like greit enda å ta bilde med mobilen, og laste det opp rett i en post på websiden på mobilen.

Men blir spennende å se hva de kommer med i fremtidige oppdateringer 👍

so does the name ... ESA. Weirdly enough, here in Lebanon ESA is "ecole superieure des affaires" which is affiliated to French school of business, in France :)

Haha! Yeah, have to be careful with those acronyms :P

You were saying you will take a few months of rest after extensive non-stop work. Great to see you're finally back at doing Space-y stuff after your holiday!

That break was really needed! Good to be back indeed :)

Should we go for lunch, maybe at some point next week?

Totally missed this! Yeah, I should be up for that, having some trouble with an ear infection atm, but hopefully won't last too long.

I am sad to learn this. Please take care and let me know when you are back in shape :)

Awesome post really like your photography.

You're lucky to be back at work on 9th January :))
I didn't have any leave and first day was on 03.01

May you have a great 2018 @fredrikaa!

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