Claim Your Sovereignty

in #sovereignty7 years ago


Divide and conquer. That is exactly what is being attempted with all of the MSM fake news, propaganda, and lies. They call it programming for a reason. Humanity and Earth is in the midst of a great awakening, and it cannot be stopped.

I just laugh at the absurdity of the crap that is being thrown at humanity to keep us down. We must be truly awesome and powerful beings if we are worth so much effort in the attempt to be controlled and contained.

Just say no and claim your sovereignty. I love the scene at the end of "The Matrix" where Neo puts his hand up at the bullets coming towards him and says "no" and they fall to the ground. That is what we, as a united humanity, need to do with this corrupt system. We must stop perpetuating it. And fighting amongst ourselves.

We have to collectively say no to the bullshit. We can do better and we deserve better. And no violence needed. We just need to withdraw ourselves from the rigged game. There are way more people who want to see an end to the madness than who want to keep it going.

Start withdrawing your energy from it in any way you can. Educate those willing to listen to alternatives. Live your life with love and respect for yourself, others, Earth, and life. Connect to your soul, your Divine Essence. And know that spiritual evolution cannot be stopped. Claim your power as the awesome, sovereign being that you truly are.

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