The SouthEast Asia Blockchain Conference is in a few days!

in #southeastasia6 years ago (edited)

Southeast Asia Blockchain Summit 2018  Indonesian blockchain summit cryptocurrency blockchain technology



The innovation that we are seeing all over the world with the emergence of a new generation of decentralized platforms and decentralized applications seems to have no limits. We are living exciting times where thanks to the opportunities that blockchain technology makes possible, new partnerships and collaborations are being fostered in every region of the planet.

The blockchain revolution is a phenomenon so powerful that pretty much everyone wants to be part of it one way or another, and this doesn’t just apply to individuals, but also to companies and surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprising, it also applies to governments and some public institutions.

Southeast Asia Blockchain Summit 2018  Indonesian blockchain summit cryptocurrency blockchain technology

With each passing year, it has been getting more and more common for there to be an increasing number of conferences, events, and festivals that are related to blockchain. The takeover of decentralization and the use of cryptocurrencies is happening extremely fast, and certain mechanisms that are currently present in several industries can be improved through the implementation of elements and methods that are possible thanks to blockchain technology, which is why there is a general interest from the people in getting informed about the implications of this revolution, and how can they be part of it.

What is this conference all about?

One of these blockchain-related events, and the biggest one for Indonesia, is going to begin this weekend, specifically next Saturday November 3, in Jakarta. There will be several experts providing talks and sharing their explanations regarding how blockchain technology is going to disrupt several industries, and how can the people, and the companies of Indonesia be part of this new era of decentralization that is about to start.

Helping with the development of professional and productive relationships between the experts giving the talks and the local entrepreneurs, is something that can surely be considered as the main goal of this conference, as well as helping the local community in adapting to the new generation of digital tools that are being created for the new decentralized industry.

Southeast Asia Blockchain Summit 2018  Indonesian blockchain summit cryptocurrency blockchain technology


The amount of people that will be visiting this huge conference is close to 1000! That is an incredibly high number, and a good portion of these attendees are definitely people with good ideas as to how to take advantage of blockchain technology to improve their business and their community.

How is the dynamic going to be for people attending the conference?

The first day (Saturday), there will be a welcome party for people with a VIP pass, this night can serve as a sort of introduction for what’s going to happen the next day. Sunday is when the magic happens, starting at 10 AM, all of the 60 speakers will start giving their talks to the public in an orderly manner, there are going to be discussions about several blockchain topics, people are going to share some case studies, and all of this in the most professional way.

In addition to the 60 speakers, there are also going to be 30 exhibitors that are going to share with the public their products and services, as well as answering every single doubt there might be regarding the potential uses and the potential impact their creation could have in the market.

Some well-known speakers

For those who have been following my blog, you have probably noticed I have been writing several articles about blockchain projects such as Wanchain, QUOINE, and TenX, each one of them, among many other projects are going to have representatives in the conference, and they are going to be giving talks to explain to the public what are the solutions that are currently being developed by their company.

Southeast Asia Blockchain Summit 2018  Indonesian blockchain summit cryptocurrency blockchain technology


A special mention for 2 fellow Steemians and the founders of @Oracle-D, Matt Starkey (@starkerz) and Dylan Leighton (@anarcotech), who are both on the speakers list of the conference and are going to give a great talk that we hopefully will be seeing on a video in the coming days!


In November 3 one of the most exciting conferences on Indonesia is going to start, a bunch of leaders from the blockchain industry will be giving talks to around 1000 attendees, and hopefully the result of this conference will be more productive relationships to continue with the creation of even better blockchain-based platforms and applications that can benefit users from all around the world.

What do you guys think about blockchain conferences happening all over the world?

Feel free to share your thoughts about this!

I added a few informative links below:

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