Land Expropriation without Compensation - A Response

in #southafrica7 years ago

So I did a video about Land expropriation without compensation - and man oh man did it stir the pot. So, here is my response to all the lovely comments posted on that video.

Original video:


Very well said, the land in South Africa was once only occupied by the San people and tribes from Africa displaced them. You are so right that this has happened all over the world, many parts of South Africa were never even occupied when settlers from Europe arrived. Selective land redistribution is about greed and votes :)

lol "Many parts of south africa were never even occupied " by who ? Whites or blacks?? im sure you mean COLONIZED YET...

We shall see - the main concern is that the corrupt members of government will use this as yet another avenue to enrich themselves personally. But - maybe this turns into a fruitful venture for those individuals who do not have homes, land, or opportunities otherwise.

Thanks for raising awareness and making some good points.
When all else fails, like good governance, then the race card is played.
We need to live in the now and not keep blaming the past for our future decisions - else we'll never break the cycle of hate and blame. Like you said we have the power to change this all NOW so that everyone has a home and equal opportunity. IMHO the land issue is the last and most important issue that we face globally. I do think that that the real issue is not being discussed anywhere and that is: SA's economy is founded mostly on mining and the something like 60%-70% of that land is privately owned and leased to government. That land is controlled by a single family, the old money and power here, which is still the very same as is it was before '94 and the New South Africa. Do you know who I'm speaking about? I don't want to mention the name here but I'll give you some clues? Firstly it's not the Guptas - it is one of the true rulers of our planet and one of the cabal's elite. Do you know who Mayer Amschel Rothschild worked for before he founded the Rothschild banking dynasty? And who was one of the families that were instrumental in setting up the Rothschild banking dynasty? (Info on Rothschild controlled central banks in my post here: )
IMHO this is the real reason why this has turned into a huge power struggle of control and by its extension brought all white people into the firing line here in SA. But like you said this is definitely a global issue and not some localized drama. It'd be awesome if you could comment on this and possibly assist me in getting out the real truth about the issues that we face and the underlying cause of these problems?
Thanks for sharing - I enjoyed your video and comments. Namaste and Peace & Prosperity for the entire human family.

Race will always be the issue no matter what anyone does right now as long as there is one race trying to be superior to the other so racism will NEVER END, lets not ignore that elephant in the room ,and just because other places were destroyed and colonized it does not make it right to compare to South Africa , the land was taken by force and here people want it back ... other places have their own issues to fight . your points are genuine but you seem to be directing the issue elsewhere.

Equal opportunities and access to basic life rights is something that should be universal - regardless of a country's history. Every person everywhere should have what they need - we are the ones who must stop focusing on race and the past. Yes we must never forget what happened, but we must come together to forgive and create a better future together. South Africa's history may be unique, but the problems we face here and now are the same in many places. What happens when the land is redistributed but the same problems keep happening over and over? Redistribution is only part of the solution - if it happens without addressing the other human elements (at the very least), then history will simply repeat itself, the issues we face now will still be here (maybe in a different shape/form), and everyone will still be just as angry and hateful.

Equal opportunities for all?? Its easy for you to say since your ancestors werent brutally Killed and displaced without compensation and got the land by force at the end of the day ,i get exactly what you are saying but lets not forget,whites still own practically everything that was stolen ,theres still hidden white forces controlling everything in the background of south african politics that is no secret so you should direct your efforts that way. This Khumbaya philosophy of yours is what we been trying to do all these years by playing nice ,it hasnt worked.

Everyone's ancestors were treated horrifically if you go far back enough in history, at some point we have to focus on solutions for here and now. We all want to have decent lives, free from poverty, strife, stress and danger - this is what we must focus on creating for everyone equally. What good will come from another race war? If there are winners then so must there also be losers.

Congratulations @cerise!

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