BITCOIN may drop to ZERO, because of ELECTRONIC COINAGE...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #sound-money4 years ago (edited)

Why would anyone want or need BitCoin, once U.S. Electronic Coinage becomes the Financial Tool of Choice...???

I have to keep asking myself that same question, over and over and over again...

So, what makes me think U.S. Electronic Coinage will become the Financial Tool of Choice, all over the World...???

If my Theory/Vision is Correct, U.S. Electronic Coinage will be "Backed" Face Value for Face Value with U.S. Bullion Coinage...

I believe the United States is about to Reject the Central Bank Owners "Fiat Slave Unit Dollars"...

I think "We the People" are about to give the Central Bank Owners an their "Slave Units" a little Competition...

Who, if given a Choice would pick the Slave Units...???

Don't panic if you have a job working at a Bank, because we will still require the Services you provide...

Most Banks will be required to have a Minimum amount of Physical U.S. Bullion Coinage on hand at the start of each Business Day...

A Five Dollar U.S. Bullion Coin will have the Spending Power of 500 of Today's Fiat "Slave Unit" Dollars...

So, they can, but probably won't be used for Day to Day Spending...

We will have an Entire Line of Circulating "Sovereign" Money in both Physical and Electronic Forms...

I see a New Line of Paper Coinage, for those who like carrying Paper Money in their Wallets...

Instead of being Denominated in Dollars, they will be Denominated in Cents...

That's because Fiat "Slave Unit" Dollars will be removed and replaced by Paper and Electronic Coinage...

Circulating Sovereign Coinage will be in Perfect Balance with our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

Every time a New U.S. Bullion Coin is Minted, the U.S. Treasury will be allowed to issue an equal Face Value amount of Circulating "Sovereign" Money...

A new Electronic Banking System will remove and replace the old Digital Banking System...

Our Electronic Coinage will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to the 99 Cents, we've been use to using...


I doubt that I'll be investing in any of the Crypto's...

I could be wrong, but who knows for sure...

Time will tell, and I think we're getting very close to a World Wide Monetary Reset...

Let me know what you think about your Favorite Crypto, as compared to Electronic Coinage...

Which would you Choose, if given the Choice...???

Any and all comments are welcomed...

January 28, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


Money should serve the users not governments. If the Treasury was the servant of the people as it was for the first 150 years then well and good. They can mint coins of known purity and weight. I think that we the people can come up with means of exchange and the government should have no right to tax its use. They should tax international commerce and possibly a flat tax on sales. Bitcoin exists because the Central Banks have done everything in there power to force people to use there debt based currency. They own most of the government at this point so I don't see any way that they loose power short of civil war.

We the People, already won the Battle, the Central Bank Owners just don't know it yet...
January 28, 2021... 20.0 Hollywood Time...

When the Bolsheviks were taking over Russia they had a miss information campaign that suggested some of the Army generals were going to step in and stop them. This was crated by the Bolsheviks to reduce opposition activity until they had consolidated power. I hope you are right but seems much more likely that you are part of a miss information operation. The problem is that your ideas are good but only appeal to a small part of the current populace. The forces arrayed against it have been in power for over 100 years and have had it there way most of that time. What is going to change and why?

I'm already hearing that Biden is President of the Corporate United States, which no longer exists, because Trump ended it, before he left Office... We the people are now in charge of the United States of a Sovereign People... President Trump returned the Power back to the People, just like he said he would... The most Powerful Military in the World, is now taking Orders from "We the People"... Biden crossed the Line, as well as many Traitors in Congress... They will all be brought to Justice... I'm aware of how Powerful the Central Bank Owners and all their Slave Puppets are, but not compared to our Power... Their Assets will soon Dry Up along with the Swamp...
February 2, 2021... 18.0 Hollywood Time...

because its decentralized and it has many daps coming soon, thats why. Crypto is the future

P.S right now invest in dogecoin... pump is going crazy ;)

Electronic Coinage will be Stable, and backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage...
January 28, 2021... 17.1 Hollywood Time...

Question is, will people adopt it when there is better technology out there already working?

Electronic Coinage will remove and replace the Central Bank Owners Digital "Slave Units"... I think people will be very happy to adapt... Thanks for stopping by... Always feel free to question anything I write...
January 28, 2021... 17.3 Hollywood Time...

If they own it... it won't really remove much huh

We own the Rights to Electronic Coinage, and it will make us Rich, beyond our Wildest Imaginations...
January 28, 2021... 17.4 Hollywood Time...

I need to research this topic more

I'm the Source, so feel free to View all my Posts...
January 28, 2021... 17.6 Hollywood Time...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.031
BTC 62082.09
ETH 2434.81
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66