The Thief, & Cross 3D (the Thief, Baptism, grace & The Name of the Lord)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #soteriology8 years ago

1Pet 3:21” even baptism doth also now save us “…"whosoever shall call on THE NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved".…….So WHAT "NAME" did you "CALL UPON"?...........1Jn 3:23. And THIS IS HIS COMMANDMENT, That we should BELIEVE ON THE NAME of his Son AND THAT NAME IS NOT THE LETTERS "J-E-S-U-S"!?!…BUT THAT NAME IS……

Ps 138:2. …. and praise THY NAME ……. for thou hast magnified THY WORD ABOVE ALL THY NAME

Rev 19:13. .. and HIS NAME IS called THE WORD OF GOD……………………………


  • If God placed His "THE WORD" ABOVE all of God's various NAMEs
  • and Jesus NAME (who is God in the flesh) IS called "THE WORD"

Then it must follow that the MOST important name we should KNOW and CALL UPON is "THE WORD"; . Not the letters that spell the word but the sayings/ doctrine/commands…..…… It does NOT say “thy word” (which we understand is what “Jesus” refers to) is given a name above other names because here THY WORD is identified as the name that is placed above all other names. You cannot pronounce “the word” letter by letter that is why they called him “Jesus” but JESUS has a name which is the highest name that God has and it cannot be pronounced letter by letter !?! …. AT the name OF JESUS.....Jesus has a name that belongs to Jesus...just like the name OF GOD means a name that belongs to GOD but it is ridiculous to suggest that the letters G-O-D is that name...likewise it is just as ridiculous to suggest that the name OF JESUS is the letters J-E-S-U-S. You cannot pronounce nor could your write out in the scriptures “the word” (all of God’s spoken creation/instructions/ law et al) letter by letter which is why the scriptures refer to “the name of Jesus” which is the same as saying “the name of God”…..but only a fool should think that God is that name!?!

Prov 30:4. Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? …… what is his name, and WHAT IS HIS SON'S NAME, if thou canst tell?

Isaiah 52:1. .. 6. Therefore MY PEOPLE SHALL KNOW MY NAME: ...........

...........What NAME do you "KNOW".?.....

1Jn 2:3. And HEREBY WE DO KNOW that we KNOW HIM, if we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS./ Titus 1: 16. They profess that THEY KNOW God; but IN WORKS THEY DENY him…….
Rev 3:8….. kept MY WORD, and hast not DENIED MY NAME;

Jn 17:6. I have MANIFESTED THY NAME .... and they have KEPT THY WORD.

........................................4. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5. Butwhoso keepeth HIS WORD, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

1Pet 3:21” even baptism doth also now save us “...if you do not believe it, then you have NO FAITH IN THE OPERATION OF GOD...Col 2:12 …. and thus you are still lost because your faith is misplaced!!........... ....Acts 22: 16. And now whytarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, CALLING ON THE NAME OF THE LORD…(notice the grammar "calling" is defined here by obedience to baptism and washing away that is what calling on his name is it is not a "afterthought" as in be baptized and then call on)……baptism IS "washing"...IS "calling on" ..........Obedience to the command/word is the act of calling on HIS NAME because HIS NAME is the WORD/ Command

1John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE ON THE NAME of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may BELIEVE ON THE NAME of the Son of God.

Jn 20:31. But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life THROUGH HIS NAME.

John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and THE WORD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD WAS GOD

Ex 23:21….”for MY NAME is in him”……what is in him is THE WORD/ HIS LAW et al written on his heart/”being” and in his “mind” not a set of letters such as the tetragramaton !?!

Phil 2:9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given HIM A NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME

Acts 4:12. (Acts 3:16). … for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED

John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and THE WORD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD WAS GOD

THE WORD written on your hearts expressed not verbally but in action (this is what Rev 7:3 is about) and thought is the NAME that is the MOST important NAME and the Name that you had better have had CALLED UPON and continue to CONFESS or THE NAME you are denying that name

AT the name OF JESUS.....Jesus has a name that belongs to Jesus...just like the name OF GOD means a name that belongs to GOD but it is ridiculous to suggest that the letters G-O-D is that name...likewise it is just as ridiculous to suggest that the name OF JESUS is the letters J-E-S-U-S

THE WORD Is HIS NAME, THE ONLY NAME THAT CAN SAVE YOU!!.(not the letters that spell "the word" but the COMMANDS[s] TEACHINGS, DOCTRINE, SAYINGS).. THE NAME OF THE LORD IS THE COMMAND (for baptisms et al) and the works they DENY him with (Titus 1:16) !?!.... other considerations: PS 83:16&19 the name is Jehovah but Jehovah is not the name!?! Jehovah means self existent eternal one it is as much an adjective that describes what God's as it is used as a proper noun “My name is wonderful”, what fool would think that my proper name is “wonderful” ….Jesus is what the man (who was the word in the flesh) that was called “Jesus” because only a fool would think that you could pronounce THE HIGHEST NAME OF GOD and or “the word” (all of God’s spoken creation/instructions/ law et al) letter by letter…. (ie Judges 13:18; 2Cor 12:4 but God’s name is not as great and or “unspeakable???)


Jn 14:13. And WHATSOEVER……. ye shall ask ……..IN MY NAME,……. 14. If ye shall ask any thing ……..IN MY NAME,…………. I will do it. 15. If ye love me, keep MY COMMANDMENTS.

Acts 2: 21. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall CALL ON…….. THE NAME OF the Lord ……………………..shall be saved……38…baptized every one of you …………IN THE NAME OF Jesus Christ

One of the biggest problems here is that folks actually think that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is “J-E-S-U-S C-H-R-I-S-T”!?!?

All those people running around Praising or calling on the name "Jesus" are wasting their breath!!!.....THE NAME of the son is "THE WORD OF GOD" . That is Gods true highest name above any and ALL names!…THE WORD is the ONLY NAME that saves us…THE WORD is the NAME that whosoever calls upon it will be saved!! Acts 2:12 means EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS the problem is people do not understand what THE NAME of the Lord is

You do not "Pray in the name of Jesus" by saying the the letters "I-N T-H-E N-A-M-E O-F J-E-S-U-S" because that is NOT his name....His name the name that we are to pray in the name of is the ONE name of the ONE God and ONE spirit of the ONE person of God which is:

If you do not understand that the name of the lord is THE WORD of God (not the letters that spell “the word” or “The bible” but in the message. Doctrine, sayings(Jn 8:51; 14:24;15:20; Rev 19:9 et al), commands of that Word made flesh(Jn 1:14) ………Then you probably have no clue what God much less what Gospel you are preaching!!!

……….Soooooooooo WHAT "NAME" did you "CALL UPON" and Confess and or are now denying ?!?
………………………………Ps 53:4

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