I Wish I could Take It Back Sorry seems to be a very small word, Compared to the way I hurt you. I wish I could take it all back, And bring back that smile on your face. But since I can't, just want you to accept, my sincere apology I'm sorry.

in #sorry6 years ago

I Was Selfish, I Was Mean

The pain I'm feeling is like daggers in my heart,
I'm so sorry that my heart is literally torn apart.

I can't believe I brought tears to your beautiful eyes,
With all the amount of those very selfish lies.

I don't know how could I be so mean,
I can do all it takes to come out clean.

I beg you for one last chance my baby,
Please darling, please say that you love me.

I Feel Stupid

I brought tears to your eyes and made you cry,
I hurt your feelings and even I don't know why.

I just want to go back in time and change what I did,
When I think about all I did, I actually feel stupid.

Give me one last chance and I promise to change,
I promise to never make you sad again even in rage.
I'm sorry.

Please Give Me One Last Chance

Without you my life has been a mess with absolutely no luck,
I didn't even realize before I was caught in this huge muck.
I was so selfish that I would always mess up all the while,
Still you always forgave all my mistakes with a warm smile.
I kept hurting you all the time, 'coz I thought you were my own,
Finally you couldn't take it anymore and left me all alone.
I really wish I could take it all back, only if I had a chance,
I promise to make it right this time, I promise to take a stance.
I'm sorry my baby, please please forgive me this time,
Please dear, just once say that you are only and only mine.

I Hurt You So Bad

I'm sorry baby I hurt you so bad,
Thinking about it makes me so sad.
You've been such a darling to me all the time,
Inspite of the hurt, you try to make me smile.
My eyes are filled with tears,
And my heart regrets with fear.
I wish I could take it back,
I wish I could take all of it back.
Please forgive me darling I promise I'll change,
I'll make it a point to never ever hurt you this way.


Deep and hurt

It kills me deep down when you don't speak to me,
It really hurts a lot,
You have always been special to me,
You are in my every thought,
I am sorry and I mean a lot,
Please forgive me and change my thought,
Really sorry!

My fault it was

I know it was my fault,
As I have already admit,
But, why are you killing me bit by bit,
Please speak to me again,
I don't have to pretend,
Coz I truly miss you,
Please forgive me!

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