A Facebook Reply $oro$BLM

in #soros4 years ago


Looks like you have the code. 5G60ghz Trump and jailer Joe Biden are playing good cop bad cop. And just like the ChiRaKKK police department it's all about the money.


They stole our words for example, BLACK LIVES MATTER,and weaponized it against us. Turned it into doublespeak. You who have looted did not take into consideration the fact that your crime was being recorded.


They used you as a test subject to try out the 5G60ghz Trump prison monitoring system. They watched you with the police social media surveillance app. Who does not Ba-LEEEV me?


You got hoodwinked and bamboozled. Now you just casually bust windows, break enterings, and take what doesn't belong to you. I took up for you on Twitter.

Black Lives Matter had a meetup in Chicago over the weekend. pic.twitter.com/KsN4jpTTAv

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) August 10, 2020

The Caucasians are flabbergasted at our behavior which is being broadcast around the world to billions of eyeballs . What will be the manufactured consensus?


Those people are savages. It doesn't matter what the root cause is. The ongoing genocide will be justifiable in the minds of those that see the propaganda. So where do we go from here? We go back to the fewCHA. The Million Man March gave us a plan for action. We have a second step: REPARATIONS 20/20.


This is where George W. Bush halted our progress with falseflag911. Here is where we plan our step3 to be completed after we redo step one and two. I CALL for a 30 Million African People's campaign for justice to be held on election day 2020


Seeing that all the politicians have pledged their allegiance to a foreign power, we will deal with them after the selection process is over. Them we will have JUSTICE. We have made it to the promised land.


Muhammad 4 Congress
Hindsight is 20/20


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