Deen Assalam/Religion of Peace

in #songs6 years ago (edited)

The whole earth will feel narrow..
If living without tolerance ..
But if living with feelings of love ...
Though the earth is narrow, we will be happy ...

Begin to behave nobly and peacefully ...
Spread a sweet greeting ...
Hiasilah world with a respectful attitude ...
With love and smile ...

Spread among humans ...
This is the religion of peace religion ...

Song: Nissa Sabyan
Youtube Source

Souce Video

Seluruh bumi akan terasa sempit..
Jika hidup tanpa toleransi..
Namun jika hidup dengan perasaan cinta...
Meski bumi sempit, kita akan bahagia...

Mulailah berperilaku mulia dan damai...
Sebarkanlah ucapan yang manis...
Hiasilah dunia dengan sikap yang hormat...
Dengan cinta dan senyuman...

Sebarlah diantara insan...
Inilah Islam agama perdamaian...

Lagu : Nissa Sabyan

When our apostle Muhammad SAW forgave those who spit on him and humiliated him at some time, what did we think of as terrorists, today?


this song is on trending now in Indonesia, especially on social media.
but, i love the original song too.

Mantap semoga sukses

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