If politics is not the solution, what is?

in #solutions8 years ago (edited)

First I like to say that no matter who people vote for it will still be the same corrupt players that are playing the game and the same corrupt government that will continue. The only thing that differs is that it gets a new face every fourth year.

If change ever gonna come then it has to come from the people themselves and by the understanding that no matter the situation and circumstance it's always wrong to force ones opinions upon other people. Sadly that is exactly what the concept of democracy is all about, the enforcement of ideas upon people where 51% rule the 49%.

Now when Trump has "won" it remains to be seen if all he said was just false promises and fuzzy words to get elected or if he will actually stand up and deliver them. If history has taught us anything then that is that the agenda of the powers that shouldn't be will always go forward no matter who is on the throne. If someone happens to be a real threat then that someone would be taken off the game altogether like JFK and Lincoln. But beside this point we need to educate the people around us that nobody has the moral right to rule another living being and that we cannot delegate a right which we don't have to somebody else. That should at least give people the understanding that government is inherently immoral and can never be of service of good to mankind.

As a solution to all this I think The Venus Project can be something for people to look into.

We live on a finite planet where money is a tool to manage scarcity but because the advancement of technology we can now create an abundance of things which makes the whole idea of money obsolete. Why use a tool like money to manage scarcity when we can live in a world of abundance despite the finite resources that we have? The problems we see today like poverty, hunger, greed etc is not only because of money but also because of government. Government as a concept creates artificial scarcity on top of natural scarcity by limiting the use of resources to a certain group of people at the cost of everyone else which explains why we still have poverty, hunger, greed even with the available technology to create abundance for everyone.

The Venus Project is certainly providing an idea of a better society where both government and money is no longer needed. People's behavior like greed stems out of an environment of scarcity. Why would anyone feel the need to be greedy if everyone's needs is met? That's the beauty of the The Venus Project. It takes the human behavior into account and bypass behavior like greed by creating free access for all through the use of automation where the earths resources is declared the common heritage of all people and not just a tiny few.

One thing to also have in mind and that is that the claim that human nature is bad is just as wrong as claiming it is good. Human nature is neutral like having a clean computer that is ready to be installed. What kind of software you put in the computer decides the quality of performance it will have which is exactly the same when it comes to us humans. The information we take in and the food we consume decides the outcome of our behavior and mental performance.

Here are some links that will explain a resource based economy and the Venus project including a presentation made by Peter Joseph from The Zeitgeist Movement.

Introduction to a Resource Based Economy

What is The Venus Project?

Future By Design

Paradise or Oblivion

The Choice Is Ours

Economic Calculation In A Natural Law / RBE

I end with this quote by Jacque Fresco

If people have more questions about the Venus project I suggest you go to this FAQ and read.


UBI is only a short term solution that doesn't tackle the fundamental issues of our society.

I only watched the first video. On the surface, sounds like socialism. No money? Did I hear that right? The idea of goods and services being available to everybody, is always a goal of all marketing.

It's neither socialism, capitalism or communism. All these old ideas circles around the use of money and government while the TVP does not. Money is not needed in a resource based economy because everything would be created in abundance where people's needs are met. Money have only been used as a tool to manage scarcity throughout our human history but we are no longer living in a world of scarcity, only artificial scarcity which the governments impose upon us all. In the future we could have increased the automation to such a degree that the purchasing power would be totally gone where money will become totally obsolete.

More and more jobs are getting turned over to robots and machines today where the efficiency continue to improve which means that sooner rather than later we will find ourselves in a place where products and services are no longer accessible because of the decreased purchasing power. That will crash the entire world if we are not willing to switch to a complete new system. A system that also puts the environment first above all compared to a monetary system that is driven by profits above all.

For example today we have something called planned obsolescence that makes products break down intentionally after just a few years to increase profits but at the cost of inefficient use of resources and a degradation of the environment.

Here is the question of money answered by the Venus project.

"If all the money in the world were destroyed, as long as we have sufficient arable land, the factories, the necessary resources, and technical personnel, we could build anything and even supply an abundance. During the Depression, there were vacuum cleaners in store windows and automobiles in car lots. The Earth was still the same place. There was just no money in people’s wallets and very little purchasing power. At the beginning of World War II, the U.S. had about 600 first-class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame this short-supply by turning out over 90,000 planes per year. The question at the start of World War II was: Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war? The answer was No, we did not have enough money or gold, but we did have more than enough resources. It was the available resources and technical personnel that enabled the U.S. to achieve the production and efficiency required to win the war.

It appears that the real wealth of any nation is in its natural resources and its people who are working toward a more humane life-style through the elimination of scarcity. All social systems, regardless of the political philosophy, religious beliefs, or social mores, ultimately depend upon natural resources — i.e. clean air and water and arable land area — and the industrial equipment and technical personnel for a high standard of living. The money- based system was designed hundreds of years ago and was hardly appropriate for that time. We still utilize this same outmoded system, which is probably responsible for most of today’s problems. I have no doubt that even the wealthiest person today would be far better off in the high-energy society that The Venus Project proposes."

For FAQ about the TVP go to https://www.thevenusproject.com/faq/

Thank you for the link towards "the choice is ours".
Many interesting ideas, very optimistic and positive.
I am not sure that the "methodology" brings consensus, they are many subjects on which scientists disagree, let's take the example of climate change. When 95 % of scientists agree that human activity is the origin, you still think that it is not the case. How can we take one direction if we need a 100 % agreement ?
An other exemple is Renewable energy : I agree with the venus project that we can power the world with 100 % RE, but many scientists pretend it is not possible.
The third example is cold fusion, when cold fusion had been reroduced by more than 30 independant labs in the world, the majority of scientist still do not accept the facts.
When we disagree, in which direction do we go ? and how do we implement a true democracy ? You cannot ask people to vote on subject like energy when scientists disagree.

I am glad you liked it.

This is why we the people including scientists should try to work outside of the system and bring clean energy solutions in the format of open source because I honestly don't see any other way of getting them out to the general public. If change ever gonna come it has to come from the people and not corrupt organizations such as governments. There is many scientists that works behind scenes with alternative energy devices such as cold fusion(LENR), magnetic motors, electromagnetic motors, vaccum energy etc and those people need our support. Also I think we need to think in terms of decentralization of energy as well. Today we have it centralized which makes us all very vulnerable to interruptions and also where the monopoly of energy creation lies in the hands of a few at the cost of everyone else.

The access to energy should be readily available just as the access to clean water and food including a place to live but how to make it so requires that the people solves it by organizing themselves. A good way could be to organize in small communities and discuss these types of ideas and try to bring in scientists to the conversation and see how one can make it possible and once established expand upon that globally.

The Venus project suggests this as well as a start of a new era by starting with a small city and then expand upon that outwards. We have also people like Michael Tellinger in the Ubuntu Movement that makes talks worldwide about how things could be solved which is to start with a small community that organize themselves around an idea and to me it sounds like a good plan. But we should always strive towards expanding the idea until it envelops the entire world because making a community self sustainable is not the final solution.

Problem number one that needs to be taken care of before anything else is to raise the awareness because there is still a great number of people who isn't even aware that it exist alternatives for energy production and the social-economic system in which we live in today. If people aren't aware then it makes it very hard to convince them of anything. We also need to change our value system and start thinking about what is right before anything else. People also need to get educated about natural law and human rights and why the concept of government for instance can never be used for the good of humanity because the very concept is based on violence and immoral behavior.

Not sure if I answered the questions you had but that is my take on things from my perspective and understanding.

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