House of Taurus Journey with a Blue Sphere Being Summer Solstice Celebration

in #solstice7 years ago (edited)

My question before going to sleep was "What did the most recent crop circle represent"? Ring of fire, having to do with the Pacific rim volcanoes? I think the answer was more practical as the Blue sphere beings and Mantis Guardians celebrate summer solstice with us and with the Earth. The crop circle in question from June 17th, 2017

On the morning of the Summer Solstice in this good year 2017 deep in sleep I woke from my dream lying comfortably on a grass hill. Beside me I looked up to see the blue eyes of a young boy beside me. He had his fist to his mouth as a left over comfort stance from when he had no doubt been a hard habit thumb sucking little tyke. His eyes were a bit sad and perhaps more knowing in some ways then they should be for his apparent age of perhaps 7. He was holding close to him a fairly shabby looking light yellow toddler blanket which looked to be made of brushed dyed cotton. The edges were sewn in a strong maroon colored heavy thread in a double fold half-inch triangular pattern. I did not see any decoration or pattern, I did not see a tag which is usually sewn into a hem on a mass manufactured item but I did not see the full item. The boy was wearing a blue and white plaid pair of shorts with decorative rather than functional crisscross at the back straps coming over the shoulders in a mock suspender style. His shirt did have a collar and was light blue, underneath a dark blue t-shirt. He was smiling as I sat up and squinting but not because of bright sunlight; it was because he was trying to hold sight of the evaporating blue sphere which had just dropped me, this older lady onto the children's hill at the summer solstice festival of the House of Taurus in Agartha.
In this state I wake to find myself feeling every bit as I do in a 3D waking state. I can see, feel, hear, smell and if I speak my voice is heard as 'talking in one's sleep' but most often I am observing and other beings are not aware of me. Or I am in a safe space such as a craft where the Mantis Guardian is with me. Sometimes I am in a place of the Emerald Guardians, Arcturus , and there may be meetings with other beings, there may be workshops, ceremonies, passing through on the way to somewhere else or most often a group of people are meeting to talk about the progress of a specific group of hybrid children who are in intensive learning environments, therapeutic education settings.

This time I was in an unfamiliar place where I could be seen and heard. I had been re-clothed and I have no recollection of this process but I do know that my skin is covered in a dust of dead skin, like dandruff, when this happens. I had been unaware of the possibility that I was being re-clothed in a dreamscape before waking in the dream. Finally the change to the condition of the skin, waking with skin dandruff, and correlation to waking in a dream and being seen by others in the dream showed a statistical consistency that makes denial irresponsible at best.

My first tool in this situation is remain calm and look comfortable and then try to figure out why I am here. I am able to hear the boy's thoughts but he is able to hear mine as well. Hmm. I think to him, what is your name? He answers telepathically with Darius and as he thought it he put his fingers in his ears thinking to himself if I do this then she can't hear me. He looked at me and he had understood even my feeling of friendliness and knowing that yes, I can still hear, that is silly. Then he said out-loud softly, a whisper, "Darius" followed by thinking "but, don't say it". In front of me was a girl with blond hair nearly to her shoulders, waved with a hair tool as these waves appeared as a process of grooming to give life to otherwise limp straight hair. She was perhaps 11 years old. She was startled to see me, an older lady behind her on what I was beginning to realize as middle child years' hill, much like a Henman hill at Wembley tennis arena in the UK. This hill was at the farthest end away from the front and center of the activities as it was possible to be 'dropped off' and still be with 'the guests'. I assume these were guests who were mostly sitting in wooden folding chairs across from the sprawling estate house looking much what I think some very old and very posh lake district country estates might look like in England. It was daylight but there was no bright sunlight. Just then the girl started to rise and she slipped. The boy, Darius, fast as lightening reached out and caught her by the wrist. It was only a few feet tall hill and she would likely not have gotten hurt badly but he had caught her and held her and pulled her to her knees safely. She was twice his size. I thought how strong you are and then he seemed happy to have impressed me. The girl saw me looking at the sprawling house and not at the games, the strange games being played by boys of age 15 perhaps as young as 13 and as old as 17.

I wondered about these games and I looked up summer solstice when I woke and found
"Many of them participate in the Prometheia festival, an event which honors Greek Titan Prometheus, who is credited with the creation of man from clay and the theft of fire for human use, an act that enabled progress and civilization". 1

The girl said "It is his house" as she thumbed towards Darius and he thought but I don't like it, it's not my real house". I thought it looked odd as if it were trying to make the surrounding land appear as much bigger than it was and the games were being played with each boy being given a big roped off square perhaps 60' by 60'. The boys appeared to be wearing short skirts. As I looked and thought to myself 'weird' Darius thought 'exactly'. Then I remembered, I have seen this place before, from the viewing room where the sensory-neural three-quarter globes project an open view of various places in Agartha. This is the place with the big black bull, I mean a huge black bull. I said to Darius in my thoughts "So, where is my bull"?. Then he appeared to truly relax and see me as a familiar, someone who at least knows about the bull, not totally a stranger to this place. He started down the hill and ahead was a bumpy and hilly gravel path with ruts the soft flat grass where the boys were putting on exhibitions more so than competing athletically was beckoning. Besides, I wanted to get a closer look at the guests. I glanced carefully to my left as I took two inch baby steps coming down the small hill. I observed about thirty ladies who all appeared to have at least one child with them, most had two small children. Of those who I could see clearly the apparent sibling pairs did not have near as many features in common as would be expected. This difference in presentation among the apparent sibling pairs was so notable I caught it quickly and retained it as a significant memory for later recall.

It then became obvious and apparent that most of the young girls, perhaps eight and above were missing as were men older than the performing athletes.

The Athletes had a look which is most familiar to me as heralding from the current surface world area of Pakistan, soft faces, pronounced eye brows, thin frame but broad shoulders. The ladies looked to be dressed as one might expect to see ladies dressed at a garden party. I then walked right along the rope which was dividing the last performers square from the rest and on the opposite side of his square was the distant, but not to distant site of the stables. Once we had taken the stride through the festivities Darius seemed to give me another notch up the scale of approval because I had not behaved as most adults he had encountered. A kind of 'She's okay' thought without any word thought, only a feeling. It was about one hundred and twenty steps to the stable and I have realised today that I count steps in my dreams, constantly measure things.

There was a stable man there and this was my first encounter close up with an adult in this waking dreamscape, he could see me and he noticed I was looking for the big bull. He volunteered in English but with the slightest hint of Irish accent, it was something about the way he said the word here. "Not here" sounded like 'Niet he-ere' and he added "gu-yen tuh be wit duh geeyerls". I saw that Darius had already figured as much and he was heading towards a door not needing to look back as he shouted with his thoughts 'Are you coming"? I followed him in through a side door and from there through a room that held various tools and then another room which was more like an overstock pantry and then into a huge kitchen. There was a cook who looked perhaps Jamaican and she was wearing traditional upstairs maid clothes including the white starched looking ruffled apron. She had a big pot in her arm and a wooden spoon, I thought I am in a Disney Movie but Dairus beckoned me with his thought having some degree of urgency, feeling as if he were breathing heavily and his cheeks were flushing. Then no sooner did I get to the exit door that he led me to which opened into a wide corridor when Darius stopped and rolled his eyes left, I followed his gaze and I saw a being. I took a breath and held it as I took in the scene. A very large male looking being crouched forward wearing little or nothing except a pink hat, a small fez type hat of rose color pink, tending towards mauve. He was old and his skin was mottled going from a nude flesh tone to dark brown spots with very dark specs and splotches. I could get only the side from the left and this being would likely stand seven feet but it was very wide and very fat with a huge round abdomen. It appeared to perhaps have some gray facial hair a large ear sticking out from the left side of the strange little hat. The room appeared like an office without a desk. The being was kneeling and there was a step on which were placed many objects some appeared as brass and others glass.

Then Darius prompted and before the being could be alerted to the gaze of a stranger Darius led me to seating which also had a little table. Several other ladies came into the room and one was dressed in a long dress and I thought it might have been worn by someone like Karen Carpenter back in the day of "It's only just begun" a long flowing prom style dress, very Victorian but with a 1960s flair and floral on a white background, tied at the waste with a purple folded attached belt. round neck, simple. Another older lady came and sat across from me and the room looked eerily like a church. Wooden benches that appeared to be carved of oak with rounded edges where the hands easily wrap around the comfortable carvings and fingers can investigate the curved smooth pattern circling around the wood until it finally ends in a small circle in the center of the mock handle, seats covered in cloth which looks to be woven material. Deep maroon color. The roof is rounded and the entire room is the width of a large tour bus. We are served cheese and a sour dough bread and I remember then coming in through the side door at the stable there had been an old man churning butter. The cheese had an exceptional smell like warm Havarti and I wrapped mine to bring home. The lady across from me asked for margarine and in what seemed like an instant it was there. I pointed to the ingredients and I wanted to say "Are you crazy, this is freshly churned butter" but instead I asked "Why"? and she said "Cholesterol" so I explained to her the things which she can do for her haplotype to improve her cholesterol including getting all of the acetylcholine precursors, moderation for sugary foods, alkaline diet, saffron oil as she was part Asian and then the items were taken away and the room was moving. This was the House of Taurus transport and I was on my way back from the dreamscape.


Darius the Great

I am not sure why I had this dream today, perhaps to check on the little boy Darius. I wondered about this name and any relationship to Greek history so I looked it up an found:

Darius I King of Persia
"Darius I, by name Darius the Great (born 550 bc—died 486), king of Persia in 522–486 bc, one of the greatest rulers of the Achaemenid dynasty, who was noted for his administrative genius and for his great building projects. Darius attempted several times to conquer Greece; his fleet was destroyed by a storm in 492, and the Athenians defeated his army at Marathon in 490."2

The two crop circles posted online June 21st 2017

Viex Lixheim, nr Sarrebourg, Moselle, France. Reported 18th June.

And after my dreamscape:

There are still many Greeks who celebrate June 21 in a Pre-Christian way and for them June 21 is a very unique day.

1.- See more at:

  2. (see also)

From the new book The Kingmakers "The Arcturians serve as the guardians of Earth. They protect us from other alien
races with advanced technology. They are assisting our earthly spiritual development and move us into the 4th dimension, expanding our spiritual knowledge. Arcturians are said to be from the Bootes constellation where their stellar home, the star Arcturus is located. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes.
With the visual magnitude of -0.05, it is also the third brightest star in the sky, after Sirius and Canopus..."
“The stargates were built – such as the city of Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) and the Star Gate at Machu Picchu by the Olmecs
(Arcturian council - Emerald Guard). The variety of visitors establishing colonies on Earth can be seen in the carved faces on the wall of the great structures that remain representing that time in Earth’s history...” “The Emerald council, led by the Arcturians, had perhaps the most auspicious of these structures, heralding Earth as a great wonder to be respected and cared for. The structure at Puma Punku was destroyed when the Arcturian council determined the facilities
could be used in their absence and we, Earth humans, were a long way from being ready for using advanced technology. The Emerald council established a base in Agartha where areas of inner Earth are primarily inhabited by the beings which arrive using the Stargates - once on Earth, the ‘Arcs’ can provide a rapid transportation mechanism for starships. In
addition to the main stargates there are portals that open directly to areas of Agartha. Most stargates, portals and arcs are secure”...

e-book available at:

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