Our solar project

in #solar6 years ago (edited)

As I already posted yesterday in a steepshot post we finally got our Solar panels on our roof.
We got 14 panels and our garden is on the south, so we can generate electricity optimized acording to the sun :) .... I'm not sure yet what the gaining will be, but average it must safe us about 700 euro's a year and of course we are decreasing out footprint of using power from the powerplant. So green it is...

At first a guy from the solarcompany had visited us to measure our roof. But the guy's installing it measured it again just to be sure. And good he did, cause the couldn't put the panels on the roof as the first guy had said.

He then put all anchors between the roof tiles, they are like a sort of hooks. It looked a clever way to secure them. His colleque was already making the aluminium rigs to the right size with a grinding machines.

He putted all the aluminium rails on the right spot and secured them. I was amazed by the way he walked on the roof, like he was on the normal floor...

While the were putting the panels on the roof I was helping the guy from the electrics, so I don't have any pictures on the roof of them bringing the panels to the roof....pitty.... But this is the result from the outside.

They drilled a hole in the roof to put in the wires to the inverter...

The inverter is just above the addic stairs. (the black UTP cable is still to be connected to a router, I used the oppertunity for me to get a UTP cable upstairs ;) )

We had to get the cable from the addic to the first floor where the electricity closet is. We have 6 floors in total so the most clever and optic best way was trough a pit which was through the whole house. But......it was bricked up.... I said to the electric guy that I would drill some holes because also from estetic perspective it was the best place. It took some effort, but we finally managed ....
I am going to close it up with a little hatch, for future needs of cables :)

Todat I installed the app on my mobile so I can see what the gaining is :)
I'm a happy and green man !!!!

Have a great sunny day

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We need more solar roofs like yours !

Yes !!! We must get more greener :)

Wow! Six floors. That is crazy. Are you storing the electricity that you don't use right away or are you selling it back into the grid? Just curious.

It is with the garage counted with it :) It's underneith our house..
We can't store the electricity yet, the gear is to expensive.. For now we are selling it back to the grid..

Holly shit that's a long latter you have there, nice solar project, thanks for the show and tell pics.

Thank You :) And you're welcome !!

Good initiative brother wish you luck for this. It is very important for all of us to us renewable sources as a primery obtion as soon in future we will be consumed all fossil fuel and what we left is this only. We have to educate other as well to go for them as well as save tree to protect environsment from global warming.

Absolutely, it is a win win , first of all the environmental aspect of saving out of fossil fuel (which is becomming rare) and financial benefit because of the 'free' electricity. The return on investment is quite quick...

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