Elon Strikes Again - Power the USA on Solar Power

in #solar7 years ago

Elon continues to be a bold force in Solar Power, Electric Vehicles, Space Exploration, Boring Tunnels, etc.

This past weekend he spoke to more than thirty state governors at the National Governors Association meeting this weekend.  During that talk he let them know exactly how much real-estate is needed to make sure America can run totally on solar energy.|

“If you wanted to power the entire United States with solar panels, it would take a fairly small corner of Nevada or Texas or Utah; you only need about 100 miles by 100 miles of solar panels to power the entire United States,” Musk said during his keynote conversation on Saturday at the event in Rhode Island. “The batteries you need to store the energy, so you have 24/7 power, is 1 mile by 1 mile. One square-mile.”

It’s “a little square on the U.S. map, and then there’s a little pixel inside there and that’s the size of the battery park that you need to support that. Real tiny.” 

In the vastness of the USA this is a tiny amount of land required to have an installation like this where all of our power could be produced without fossil fuels.

With what he is doing with batteries in  South Australia could be duplicated at a larger scale here in the USA.  That would give us the power needed at night.

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