Getting Solar Panels On Your Home

in #solar7 years ago (edited)


We all know climate change is real right? Well OK for some of the tin-foil hat brigade, maybe thats a litle bit controversial, so lets try another opening argument:

Being Wasteful With Finite Resources Is Unwise

I hope that is less troublesome for the contrails crew, and I think most people could probably get behind that sort of argument; no matter how you split it, there is only so much coal, oil, gas, plutonium and uranium available, when its gone, its gone. Sure we could wait another few million years to make some more hydrocarbon fuels, but personally, Im not prepared to wait that long for my next cup of tea (Im British, so this is no joking matter!).

We Can Fix It in Time


So we can hope that any number of new technologies will come along that will reduce our energy reliance on existing finite methods/sources.

We can perhaps invent crops or methods to create bio-fuels more efficiently than today, but this is always going to compete for land and water with food production, and we as a global population are still growing, space for food is running out already.

We maybe can do nulear fusion, its pretty safe, the radioactive materials output are safe after about a hundred years, rather than the thousands of years with nuclear fission. The problem is it doesnt work commercially yet, there is a joke that nuclear fusion is always 50 years away.

Living in hope of a solution from one of these or other promising technologies is great, but hope doesnt boil my kettle.

Wind, hydro ect. are wonderful, but mass deployments are beyond what we as individuals can do.

So the only feasible route for you to make a difference to the runaway consumption of finite resources, and that is available right now, is solar.

Solar CSP or Solar PV

There are two types of solar panels, the kind that heat water, and the kind that make electricity. The latter is solar PV and thats what I favour; CSP is OK but there are maintenance costs and you cant do a lot with hot water, at least not nearly as much as with electricity (which you can use to heat your hot water as well).

Solar PV, makes electricity cleanly, quietly and unlike a nuclear plant, if something goes wrong it wont create a 50 mile exclusion zone.


Costs And Returns

Many people (including myself) looked at the cost of solar PV, and realise it isnt a trivial investment. This leads to concerns over payback and value. I cant tell you how much a solar PV system will cost for you, but I can tell you it does payback at least what it cost you in most circumstances.
The critical things to know are how much you currently spend on energy and how much energy your solar PV system would make in a 25 year lifetime.
My personal example is that with no incentives from government at all, my solar PV system will pay for itself in about 16 to 18 years, wow that seems like a long time, doesnt it! Bear in mind, I live at 51 degrees north, that means Im actually closer to the North Pole, than to the equator!
A solar PV system like mine, though, has equipment with warranties of 20 years, and an expected lifetime of 25 years or more.

When you take government incentives into account, my payback is more like 8-9 years. But we all know governments are unrealiable, and this is where crypto-currency can save the day. Without making this article too long, if you own solar panels, you can claim free SolarCoin from, yup FREE. How can it be free, well it isnt, you have done the work of installing solar panels, so its not really free now, is it?


Solar panels dont always look good, but they can look very nice, I love our all black panels, they look sharper than the creases in James Bonds tuxedo


I could have made this a much longer post, I have a pretty decent understanding of solar for a lay person, so if you have been thinking about it, feel free to ask and Ill do my best to convince you honestly answer your questions.


Good job

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@soulaiman 👈 Click this !!

Wish the solar panel could be cheaper! We have so much sun here in South Africa that we can utilise!

Ok you might be interested to see The Sun Exchange, they are building community solar plants, and you can buy solar panels in those plants and get a return.

Not only can you buy panels and be paid in ZAR, but Bitcoin and SolarCoin too.

Clearly do your own checking, but this may be a way for you to take a small step now.

Will have a look thanks

Actually we are not running out of anything! We have plenty of coal, oil, gas, uranium, etc & etc. Technology makes some energy sources obsolete. Like wind has been used for millennium. Solar is very rare mineral intensive. If we really want to get it right fission nuclear now! Fusion nuclear in the future! They will provide unlimited energy to bring everyone up! Cheers!

I would love to see nuclear fusion working, and if more money was spent on it then I think it could be a reality faster. If we are talking about future innovation, the World Community Grid have been doing a lot of work to research organic solar cell materials. These would overcome your point about materials used for solar PV.

The point of my article is about what you as an individual can do to preserve resources, even if they are currently not in short supply (I didnt say they were), maintaining them for as long as possible is a decent thing to do for our future generations. For all we know there will be a CME that will fry all our electronics and return us to the steam age!

Thanks for your reply, its good to talk to other people interested in these issues.

Good to have a civil conversation on these topics. It is interesting that the fuel that brought us out of being 100% renewable (before ~ 1800), ie COAL is still the number electrical generator in the world. The coal industry, along with big $ oil and gas have colluded (press, advertising, bias science) to try and kill fission nuclear for 50 years. prior to 1800 the world was 100% renewable, coal era is lasting until ~ 2020, oil and then natural gas until ~ 2050. Nuclear fission then fusion 2050+: We enter an era of abundance! ( I hope!)

Regrettably , fusion reactors will cost MANY millions of $, sustained plasma generation (at the millions of degrees necessary) were (8 months ago) 2 sec., not even close to self-sustaining, and it's unlikely that's improved much, it took 10 years to get a modest increase in burn time. See for reasonably recent (2016/10) info
That places any commercially usable system another 30 years off. It's possible Lockheed-Martin will get an operational smaller device in another 10-15 (they'd steal everyone else's thunder, for certain.)
In common with all these systems are the high capital costs. Only large corporations and utilities will be able to afford one- given historic trends, there is zero chance that near-unlimited source of power will be available to us, the trash of the corporate world, at a price a free market would indicate as appropriate. The most powerful good hot fusion power will enable is somewhat reasonable space travel.
There are several alternatives due to roll out as commercial products in the next two years, proof-of-concept and prototyping having been completed- THESE will be what changes the world from the standpoint of energy supply. HF will still be a necessary development.
The calculation of materials cost for solar is always only viewed as capital costs, not ROI on lifetime cost, and use of organic materials and peroskite structures can shrink them an order of magnitude.
Were the truth EVER told in the mass media, as soon as environmental and health burdens are considered, solar was competitive with coal years ago, even when it's not produced with Chinese indentured labor.
Ultimately, though, PV can only reach 60% theorectical output efficiency for the footprint, and it's still NOT dirt cheap. Solar hot water (not CSP) is, but maintenance is something most people don't want to consider.
Wow, people are lazy. Who knew?

I'm writing about climate issue and search something on the Internet. How can I tell people they have to use solar system everywhere. It's a necessity to save the Earth. What can I do on this topic? Thanks for differences CSP and PV

You cant tell people they must do it, you have to suggest they do it and then give them a good reason. It helps to give people a reward, that is what is all about.

Recently, I'm trying to tell my family, neighbors, friends etc. I'm feeling I have to do much more. Global warming will damage our life. Thanks for your response again.

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