June 19 2018 Solar update -Sunspot 2713

in #solar6 years ago

I am probably the only one still trying to keep track of this data.

Event# EName Start Stop Peak GOES Class Derived Position
1 gev_20180615_0646 2018/06/15 06:46:00 06:52:00 06:49:00 B1.1 N05E41 ( 2713 )
2 gev_20180615_0945 2018/06/15 09:45:00 09:50:00 09:48:00 B1.0 N05E39 ( 2713 )
3 gev_20180615_2128 2018/06/15 21:28:00 22:24:00 22:08:00 A5.4 N04E31 ( 2713 )
4 gev_20180616_0516 2018/06/16 05:16:00 05:23:00 05:20:00 B1.6 N04E27 ( 2713 )
5 gev_20180616_1230 2018/06/16 12:30:00 13:30:00 12:43:00 A8.3 N03E24 ( 2713 )
6 gev_20180617_0649 2018/06/17 06:49:00 07:20:00 06:57:00 A9.4 N04E12 ( 2713 )
7 gev_20180617_0653 2018/06/17 06:53:00 07:06:00 06:57:00 B1.0 N04E12 ( 2713 )
8 gev_20180617_1040 2018/06/17 10:40:00 11:10:00 10:58:00 A7.6 N03E11 ( 2713 )
9 gev_20180617_1312 2018/06/17 13:12:00 15:02:00 14:29:00 B1.2 N04E08 ( 2713 )
10 gev_20180617_1321 2018/06/17 13:21:00 15:10:00 14:29:00 B1.3 N04E08 ( 2713 )
11 gev_20180617_2236 2018/06/17 22:36:00 23:28:00 22:52:00 B1.1 N04E03 ( 2713 )
12 gev_20180617_2238 2018/06/17 22:38:00 23:06:00 22:52:00 B1.1 N04E03 ( 2713 )
13 gev_20180618_0840 2018/06/18 08:40:00 08:47:00 08:44:00 B1.0 N05W01 ( 2713 )
14 gev_20180619_0100 2018/06/19 01:00:00 01:48:00 01:11:00 A8.3 N02W10 ( 2713 )
15 gev_20180619_0223 2018/06/19 02:23:00 02:28:00 02:26:00 B1.0 N07W41 ( 2714 )
16 gev_20180619_0224 2018/06/19 02:24:00 02:30:00 02:26:00 B1.1 N07W41 ( 2714 )
17 gev_20180619_0534 2018/06/19 05:34:00 06:50:00 06:11:00 B1.7 N06W44 ( 2714 )
18 gev_20180620_0000 2018/06/20 00:00:00 00:11:00 00:06:00 B1.8 N08W54 ( 2714 )


2012 I tried counting all the solar flares. There were just too many.
I wanted to name the M's and X's but I had to cycle through the alphabet and life became super busy.

Solar flare probability 31%


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