
How can you lose something you never had? Boo boo, pick up your soother baby boy

fine than why is roelandp crying hes got the same problem from the other side ;)

Think about what you are writing!

wow - so if people don't give you free stuff, then you're justified in attacking them? I'd say your a shitty person, but I blame the parents. I'm sorry nobody has cared enough about you to teach you decency

wow - so if people don't give you free stuff, then you're justified in attacking them?

Technically someone steal his money, because he's money exists, but not in his account

It's not his money. How is it his? Can I decide that your money is mine and act cruelly because you won't give it to me? Feelings aren't facts. Not being given something is not the same as having something taken away
These dishonest words and actions aren't corrected with delusion

Okay, but who gives the money then? The answer is no one. Nobody on Hive gave you the money. Hive was a 1:1 copy to Steem, so you had Hive, just like you had Steem.

And these people had their money, until they disappeared from their accounts and went to another account.

If the stake used to attack the chain wasn't addressed, then the attack would continue. As Dan Larimer, the designer and creator said, we are supposed to remove the tokens of people that attack the chain. Attack means a single entity controlling multiple witness positions. The instructions of the creator were followed. Ignorance isn't justification. Replace ignorance with learning, not with ill treatment of others

First, Dan Larimer is an idiot.
Second, looking from the blockchain side, it was a steal
Thirdly, the whole HIVE project is quite controversial, because it means that you can manipulate the blockchain.

Good job arguing with these idiots. You know you are right, they know you are right, but they will never admit to it because they know what they did, and they aren't protected by CCP, and they risk legal issues if they admit it was a coin wipe and thievery.

You're basically talking to a wall

Dan Larimer might be a lot of things but he is not an idiot.
Claiming so shows what an ignorant fuck you are.

Definitely a misuse of the word "idiot" if I ever heard one. The word was used in its context for being derogatory rather than descriptive.

Dan Larimer might be a lot of things but he is not an idiot.

If he wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't have made a system that was easy to attack. You can say whatever you want. If a DPoS system is supposed to require (at least some users think) blocking someone's account, it means that it is bad for a very simple reason. A couple of people decide who to steal money from.

If Dan Larimer is an idiot, quit using his products
Looking from blockchain side? What is that supposed to mean?
ALL blockchains can be forked
Again, this ignorance is astounding. Why are you so against learning? Does it make you feel good to spew ignorance? Go. Learn.

If Dan Larimer is an idiot, quit using his products

He ran away from Steem like a rat.

ALL blockchains can be forked

I'll ask you differently - how many blockchain data are modified? Wasn't Blockchain supposed to be an immutable database?

Incorrect. Hive was almost a 1:1 copy of Steem. But not completely. It excluded 350 accounts out of 1.3 million.

Universe truth : Every action has reaction. It may be late but not forgotton.
Hivemanis started action, steemians do reaction.
See from starting day 1 of drama, always action started by hivemians and reaction done by steemians. Hivemians also don't wants reaction. That's not fair.
I think we all have over and all loss by this drama. When this drama will end. I dont know....... but i don't like all this.
I am not happy with this action but i have to support.
See from deep heart( take deep breath, stay cam then think), you will know all.
Without community, No invester get success and without invester, no community get success. Both required each other.

I´m 100% agreeing with your comment, that´s what I´m writing since weeks, and all the old witnesses and their friends is telling me I´m dumb and ignoring fact that they had the right to do so, maybe needs more time to think over for them .
I don´t give up to see the light at the end of the street ;)

Thanks @don-t for your understanding the real truth before all understand. Thanks.

Your support to steem from starting not forgoten in any manner. You are the good and technical person. We can't forget your contribution. You are awesome. Thanks for all.

That's so not right. Everything from my hive wallet was transferred to Steem.dao. so it got stolen. And for good. This money of yours is a soft fork that can be taken back. My stolen money on hive is gone for good.

Imagine, as your family elder dies, leaving a will sharing out their savings to all EXCEPT you, because you were a massive disappointment who did nothing but harm the family business.

Did your elder steal YOUR money...?

Of course not, that would be ridiculous. You never, at any point in your life, owned his wealth. As far as you're concerned, it never existed.

The problem you have is an emotional one, and I get it. You feel left out. But it's ridiculous.

Imagine going to a lawyer:

Lawyer: So... did you ever own Hive tokens?
You: No, but it's mine
Lawyer: On what grounds?
You: Cuz everyone else has Hive tokens
Lawyer: Please get out of my office

Right, first all my assets was seen on Hive too 1 to 1. I was denied access to the wallet, then everything was transferred to steem.dao. What is it other than robbery. I had never voted for witnesses myself. My proxy was Berniesanders. He had chosen a Sun witness for fun. I was therefore excluded from the airdrop.

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? You own Steem. Hive doesn't owe you shit. You aren't entitled to shit. You are shit.

Why did you lose 140 000 Hive? Do you invest in Hive prior to the Hardfork? What makes you entitled to receive the airdrop? Why do feel anyone in Hive is obliged to give you that 140 000 Hive? Who are you to dictate where the airdrop should be "dropped"?

If you can answer those questions in a clear, concise, and logical manner, I will give all my Hive to you.

You can’t loose something you didn’t have.

Can you get a fork from something that doesn't exist?

The fork was on an existing chain, but the STEEM token got suppressed, HIVE got created and distributed. Some people received the new HIVE tokens in same amount as the STEEM they had. Those who didn't receive the new HIVE tokens still got their STEEM tokens that remains on the other chain, so nothing was stolen from them, they just didn't get extra tokens.

This is similar to creating a brand new chain and importing old accounts and posts without the old tokens and distributing new tokens.

real hard fork gives everyone tokens, Steem investors and users have more rights than stock market users because they have invested time and money. No one will escape their karma.

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