Illegal Trolling?

in #sociology5 years ago

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you are very much aware of Faketoshi and his legion of blind followers. Craig Wright, who has been debunked as Satoshi Nakamoto countless times, keeps on gripping with white knuckles to his ridiculous claim.


Lately, he and some of his foot soldiers, most notably Calvin Ayre, have been under fire for some shady behavior to say the least, starting with the sharing of pictures of what looked to be underaged girls on some resort in Cuba. At any rate, the "charming" duo have been creating some enemies as of late, and their project, Satoshi's Vision, might soon be a thing of the past.

Today CZ from Binance seems to be at the end of his patience regarding this whole sham, and tweeted what without a doubt is an ultimatum to Craig and his legion of kool-aiders. As you can imagine, this was received in a very polarized way, with both chants of joy and indignation. That being said, as far as I know, Binance is a private company and as such can do as it pleases, so those who are upset and demand things from CZ are the ones suffering from cognitive dissonance at this very moment.

This is a very serious subject without a doubt, and even though a few of us are sifting through comments for delicious popcorn, the outcome of this drama is relevant to all of the cryptosphere. That being said, I did get a big laugh out of Calvin Ayre's newest tweet, one that shows how ridiculous this man can really be.


As you can clearly see, I'm all about legal trolling and I know very well how the constitution of my country demands such procedures to happen. Obviously I'm being sarcastic here, but I'm shocked to read the sheer stupidity one leader of this space can utter so unabashedly.

As you can see, @whatsup jumped in first, but I simply could not keep myself from trolling too. I mean, one has to laugh at this stupidity and nothing more.


I only have one thing to say...


Out of curiosity - is it 80 strolls or 80s trolls?

80s trolls, but I do love the word play! :)

Excellent review @meno and you are right, such nonsense on the network must be ridiculed constantly!

The great thing is that the market speaks for itself by comparing the market caps of the projects. That is what I follow at the end!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have the perfect gif to describe the whole thing!
Adam Savage farting smoke.gif
With thanks to Adam Savage. Speaking of, we need to get that chucklehead on the blockchain. I bet he'd do just fine here...

Trying to crawl out from under my rock. Clueless ;-p

Another ridiculous drama that make this space immature!

Posted using Partiko Android

Drama happens everywhere.. Doesn't mean the space is immature.. Buh Craig really needs to be dealt with.. How can someone who claimed to create something that will set its own history not have a common sense. Maybe the sense isn't common as we do call it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't pay attention towards his actions!

This is honestly disgraceful. Craigh Wright, nChain, and BSV are a stain on the decentralized movement.

Their goal is to create another ecosystem that is reliant on corporations and government monopolies. They've openly admitted this. Craig himself cannot code and expects us to believe he invented the blockchain.

Their poisonous attitude is infecting people and diverting unnecessary brain power to their idiocy. The best thing we can do is ignore their actions and their presence. If they had a real case, they would do it behind closed doors. Trying to reveal a person's identity for a civil lawsuit is a violation of human rights as per UN codes. Craig is honestly stupid enough to do things like this though.

Posted using Partiko Android

You have DRAMA!

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Bro if he was Satoshis he would be thrown in prison immediately! There is literally NO BENEFIT to publicly being satoshi. You will ONLY get crushed by the government to set an example. The fact that the government hasn’t thrown this guy in the slammer is proof he is not satoshi... Honestly I get so angry seeing his “I’m satoshi” campaigns because it 100% DOES NOT MATTER who satoshi is and the real satoshi will likely stay anonymous forever which is the whole point of starting out anonymous.... Total fucking idiot, it makes my brain hurt knowing how much of a dumbass he and all his followers are...

Posted using Partiko iOS

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