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RE: SOCIOLOGY: Characteristics of Children with Broken Families and Why They Must be Treated Properly

in #sociology8 years ago

I'm not really sure I would call him my father, but rather a person who helped give me life. A father is a person who takes the male role in a child's life, something he failed to accomplish.

I agree that I wish to not replicate his actions, but this is not what I focus on. Instead of focusing on the negative, that which I do NOT want to do, I focus on change for positive growth, that which I DO want to do. I feel that it is important to focus your energies on the positive aspects or you risk replicating the same idea as the psyche tends to miss the words like "not" when telling it to "do not do" something.

I am doing everything I can to level my emotions and create a life full of love and happiness. Its been a rough ride as I've only really know anger, hatred, and fear for so many year. Everyday I thank the universe that I am alive, out of jail, and out of the US military.


I cant argue with you because I have not been there and I dont really know how it feels but for some extent everything happens for a reason, like what you are right now.

You wouldn't be as you are right now if not of the experiences you had.

So you're from the US military?

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