Why society lies to you.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #society3 years ago (edited)

Society is a modest teacher. Imagine if you had to explain to a child, that we live on a planet where creatures consume each other.

They politely outsmart each other and impose their will. On the menu for lunch today is, You! Or maybe you are in the mood to have babies and no one else can put up with you…

What words can you use to illustrate this to an innocent child without sounding like a complete jerk.

The truth is real life is more complicated than words have the ability to describe. It gets even more complicated if you conside.

On one hand the Bible is telling you to love your enemy, and the police on the other hand are killing the innocent along with the criminals.

Imagine telling your child that it’s wrong to kill someone. Then having that child enlist in the army to protect your home.

These are serious contradictions causing people to stop believing in god and hate life.

On the other hand.

We have a place where magic unfolds.
Where you can realize all of your wildest dreams.

Materialize anything.
Be around people who love you and blossom.

Society doesn’t want to spoil the surprise.

You can do anything.

Think anything.

Be anything.

But in order to do anything in life, you must play the social game.

And everyone wants to get one over on you. They want to outsmart you, be faster than you, more successful than you, richer than you. What they lack for in talent they make up for in deception.

Playing the social game can be very rewarding, It can be fun, but it’s anything but honest.

If the social game was honest it would be a lot harder to deceive you. Children who are too honest are considered naive. Everyone else wants you to be nice and stupid so they can steal your candy. It’s easier than making their own candy…

The truth is everyone after a certain age realizes all people are trying to deceive you. Yet no one wants to admit it because deceiving you would be a lot harder if you knew about it.

Ever lie about your age?
Lie about your job?
Lie about anything?

There is a saying: In order to be civil you can only be honest 90% of the time.

Everyone lies. Especially if they are not as smart as you and want something you have.


Have I scared you? Curious about what else they aren’t telling you?

read my blog



No one want to be small in Society, always want to bigger than others. It is racing track that we are running in this.

Everyone wants to be first. But not everyone running fast.

Nowadays in our society most of the people do not want the good of the others.

What society are you in?

Everyone has his own brain and we should use it everywhere not to listen others.

Society will only criticize you, but will not help you when you are in danger. So we should move forward without thinking about what society will say.

It is very dangerous to help someone who is in danger. Only mother and father risk this but only when it’s safe.

In life there is a place that we must occupy. Everything is governed by a universal law. Care ! Whoever violates that law will have consequences sooner or later. Greetings.

Consequences implies some sort of vengeance or reaction.

The universe is not so quick to react violently or seek out vengeance. People act out vengeance.

What you mean i think is there is a natural order and it follows its own integrity.
Consequences are a way of justifying and making sense of grief. Grief is a byproduct of weakness or wrong actions.

You cannot defy a natural law. Like causing water to turn to ice in heat. It’s not easy to do.

It takes a tremendous amount of energy, such activities cannot be sustainable for long.

If it cannot be sustained we don’t have to change it. It happens of itself. If you try to change something you use a lot of energy. It should happen effortlessly or it won’t happen even with a tremendous effort.

Imagine telling you child that it’s wrong to kill someone. Then having that child to enlist in the army to protect your home.

I think everything depends on situation. It's wrong to kill someone but sometime it's become our duty to kill someone.

You don’t need to live. It’s a choice not a requirement.

Defending yourself is a choice too.

So is harming someone else.

If you say it’s my duty to defend myself or my family. You justify harming someone else.

If no one had a duty to protect themself or their family, the evils people would destroy the whole world and all life.

We pick the worse of the two evils. There must be a better way. You can’t flourish if you are proud to commit evil deeds. Even to survive or protect loved ones.

This is a topic people rarely talk about. It’s disgraceful to kill others. Yet can be seen as glorious. There is a better way.

In the society most of people don't trust each other, just want to know everyones secret. And everyone tell each other anothers persons bad works or good works.

We need things to do that don’t cost any money. Social situations, especially complicated emotional ones can be very interesting way of spending time.

Think about it. It’s also a good way to learn.
Especially if you are vain.

We live in society but none of us are fulfill in society. Society's demand is too high. We are unable to make ourself as society wants.

Society in its most basic form is a human. People are not fulfilled because they are living a in ignorance. Society’s demand is too high because even though we are living in ignorance we are seeking the truth.

If you seek and can’t find, you will never be fulfilled.

Society wants to be perfect or without flaw. But we neglect that perfection includes flaws. But we try to live in a fantasy so we don’t experience suffering. Yet we can’t pretend and still be happy. Without pain there is no joy. They depend on each other to exist. But we live a lie that tells us to only feel joy with no grief.

Forget what society wants and teaches. Do what you want.

First find out who you are. Then you will know what you want.

Sit quietly with yourself daily. Be with yourself and you will know who you are. Then you will know what you want.

After that you must learn to deal with others. And you will be free.

Don’t try. Just do. Don’t think because you already know.

Just do.

this will make a good post one day thank you.

Sometimes i think i will do whatever i want. I won't focus on society and others. But there are a lot of reasons inside me that tells me not to do such. May be it is a fake dream that if i walk how i want, i will be the happiest. But now i am not so much unhappy. If there are no mixture of sadness and happiness, you will be unable to feel the real peace.

Society has rules which are partially fulfilled by some, currently we live in a mixture of truth and lies, false news, half truths and news that are not real, and if we enter the world of politics the story is different, there they are the true masters, the lords of lies. sadly we have become used to living that way.

Even injustice is supposed to happen. Without it there could be no justice. Good is only there because we have bad. The two are interconnected. Like you can’t have up without down. By going up, you create down in the same stroke.

Hope this helps you cope with what you are experiencing

Society is a big term to describe. It has a lots of branches. That's why it is one of the most complicated matter to describe in word.

That’s true, it can include a lot of things. But in simple terms society is all the other people…

People and the all related matters of people makes society...

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