video: How To Destroy Civilization (Just Live To Be Happy)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #society4 years ago

Today we're discussing how a Hedonistic people is the simple and pleasure filled fast track that ultimately leads to the destruction of society.


Throughout history societies have been destroyed by war, and famine, and disease, but there's another very insidious way to destroy a strong society, that is through hedonism.

We were all born into a home we did not build. There are buildings and stores we go into that existed before we were alive. We eat food from farms that have existed for generations.

These buildings and factories and methods of living didn't magically come into existence. Some people worked diligently and created them. A society of people, respecting the property of each other, and trading goods and services with one another. This was our ancestors, and those that came before us.

The building up of society with a mind towards not only improving ones own life, but also the lives of their children and future generations. The opposition to this is the Hedonist. The Hedonist is pleasure seeking and unconcerned about future. The Hedonist is primarily concerned about the future only to the extent that it can generate more pleasure fulfillment for themselves.

Like an animal, Hedonists generally think and operate only in the short term; how can they live, sleep, eat, and gain some pleasure in life. They may acquire this through begrudgingly working a job, or living off of others, or even stealing. A Hedonist individual doesn't need to concern themselves with the social norms necessary to build trust and respect in society.

There will always be Hedonists in every society. There will always be those that live a hedonistic life, vs those that create for the future. The extent of which can determine how self destructive, or prosperous, a society is. As long as most people share social norms and values which favor the future of society, then that society may flourish and grow.

In a flourishing society, the parents and culture work to instill great values into their children. Giving children valuable morals and discipline that they can pass onto their future children from generation to generation.

For any society which expects to flourish, some primary moral values would be taking care of one's own health and responsibilities, respecting others in ones community, and respecting the property of others. In a strong society, people are openly shamed or punished for not adhering to these values.

Degenerate behavior such as abusing one's own health through drugs or other means, sexual deviance, gluttony, or destruction or theft of property can Not be tolerated.

"Tolerance" has become a popular word in the West synonymous with accepting deviance and degeneracy in society. Tolerance has become a word used by evil influences to promote of all things hedonistic and pleasure seeking. No shaming of homosexuals, or sluts, or destructive promiscuity. Instead, these people want to spread degeneracy to the wider society and onto children. It is a rejection of societal values that made civilizations like the West great.

Hedonism, is the secret. Convincing a society of pleasure seeking is the fast and easy path to self destruction.

Alternatively, public shaming or punishing of these types of degenerate behaviors is a sign of a strong society. A society that accepts degenerate behaviors is a sign of society in decline or failure.

To destroy this society, simply convince the population that the highest value in life is pleasure. In modern times, we hear parents say things like, "I just want my children to be happy". Unknowingly pushing their children into happiness seeking and that hedonist lifestyle. These are the words of parent that has lost all direction and purpose in life. Through media or propaganda, they have been reverted back to the mentality of an animal.

An animal does not have the mental ability to concern itself with the future. Animals live in a perpetual state of pleasure seeking. This is what separates humans from animals. This is why there has never been a great animal society. It is why animals can make no significant advancements in knowledge or technology. Humans are able to control their momentary desires, and make long term plans, with a mind toward the future.

The trade off is that this control of desires requires discipline; self-control. In the absence of discipline and self-control, there would be nothing separating humans from any other animals on the world. A hedonistic pleasure seeking life is the easy path. It requires no forethought. It is the path of least resistance, and ultimately the path of destruction.

Discipline is required to maintain the values that cause society to flourish. If we wish to have a society that has healthy individuals, healthy children, respect and harmony with one another and nature, and increasing strength and dominance in the world, then instilling values and discipline is mandatory for that society.

We can't cheat the system. We can't eat cake and ice cream and unhealthy foods daily and still maintain a healthy life. We are either going in one direction or the other.

Let's be clear, Evil forces are out to destroy us, and their mission is our destruction. If we are going to fight them, we must have strong values and self discipline, and pass those same values onto successive generations.

What is discipline? Discipline is doing the good thing, the right action, at the time when we don't feel like doing it. It is over coming our feelings and having the habits and mental strength to press forward. When our energy is low, and our spirit is depleted, discipline is what pushes us on.

Being disciplined doesn't mean being perfect. None of us are perfect. But it does mean that we continually striving to improve ourselves. We must continually seek to improve in mind and body. Replace destructive influences and people in our lives with constructive ones, those that give us strength. Having good morals and values, and pushing ourselves to be that ideal person that we can be.

In our lives, pleasure will come and pleasure will go. It's through discipline we will gain a different kind of pleasure, and a satisfaction that never be achieved by the pure hedonist. Through discipline and values, we exercise control over our lives. We take control of our lives.

The Hedonist produces little value in the world, and while they live to seek pleasure, ironically pleasure consistently escapes them. When the good people among us seek to fulfill our purpose in life and build the future, we are fulfilling a destiny much greater than ourselves and our people will be rewarded with great blessings for many generations to come.

video: MGTOW Drowning in Depression

Hubzilla Room VidarReturns

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