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RE: Collectivism: When are we going to learn?

in #society6 years ago

Wow, I have the impression your comment is just full of emotions and unsupported statements that lack facts.

That being said, you have proved nothing other than that you have an extremely misled, generic and childish view of "Collectivism."

Do I? Prove me wrong then, you have not mentioned why I'm wrong about it. Collectivism hasn't created anything else better than harm, suffering, and chaos in the world.

The experiment is bullshit if it even happened. Only a person super scared of "Collectivism," someone who equates it with totalitarianism could think it true.

Clearly, you haven't even seen the documentary and all the references I put below to call the experiment bullshit. Now, if you ever wanna talk about the success of Collectivism then you should start pointing out those societies who have had success with collectivist ideas such as socialism, communism or fascism.

Much more was at stake with the potentiality of the Reich succeeding. Churchill called for war in '33 because he knew NatSoc was great and threatened the British Empire's Supremacy.

This is actually full of speculation, you have no proves of what the intention was. France and England had already seen a threat on the radicalism and the supremacist speech of Hitler just like the U.S. did back then in the 20s when they forbade communism in their country due to the things that were happening in the Bolshevik revolution.

WWI was a con, Germany was the last to enter the war and because of a treaty obligation yet they were punished exceedingly being blamed for the war, dismembered and looted.

No one is saying that the outcome was fair, no one. Nonetheless, it was germans faults to let a person just like Hitler take control of the government and that's why they still have their sense of guilt. Because they were the ones who legitimate an ordinary man that was out of his mind. If Hitler would have been a great leader, he wouldn't attack the Soviet Union the way he did and lost all his army. He was a crazy man sunk in his own dogmatism who could not see the world in a rational way with his theory of the Aryan race and its plagiarism in Mein Kampf.

No man is an island but I would venture that's what you want in some twisted way.

You clearly don't even know what you are talking about and your IQ does not even allow you to see facts due to your feelings and emotions on the issue.

National Socialism is neither Collectivist or Atomized, it is in the center.

Where are your supports statements? Hitler's economy and society was pretty collectivist, power was centralized and they got to control all over the country. Explain to me how wasn't it collectivist?

Center are you kidding me? The fact that Fascism has critics on the Historical materialism of Marx does not mean that fascism could be in the left wing of the political spectrum, Just read the manifesto of Gentile and you will clearly understand that Fascism and collectivism have much more in common than socialism and collectivism. Just take a look of how the productive models work in a fascist economy.

You're ready to throw your countryman to the fates, how about your neighbor? How about your family?

What's your point with this? I just feel your comments charge with flag-waving patriotism that does not even let you think. Lol.

None of you guys ever talk about Oligarchy, Plutocracy or even Corporations but something drives you to think you're exceeding a rugged individual.

I have planned to talk about those in the future but first thing first. Our society is full of collectivism and it does not let people think in a reasonable way. Because they are part of a whole just as I explained in my post. Your approach is just emotional without any arguments that back what you are saying.

You must be having serious problems to believe that exterminating a whole race and leading a war that killed 50 millions of people was a righteous cause


I have no facts?

When you start putting your's in your article, they'll crumble to dust.

Good luck proving an extermination that never happened, joker.

Hitler Pop Art.jpg

I'm not here to read your footnotes, snowflake.

Then what's your business here?

Just to express how you feel?

I'm not yout therapist go get some help.

I told you you're a group think dumb dumb. You gave nothing to refute. You gave your feels and groupthink shorthand.

I at least gave background on the wars. You gave a bare bones narrative.

And how about Stanford? Do you or do you not know that's a CIA School.

You're not much better than a rookie.

Hitler Girl Child.jpg

This is somewhat irrelevant:

97 years ago, on July 29th as today, Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German National Socialist Workers' Party). In an extraordinary assembly of NSDAP members, Hitler got 543 votes in favor and only one against.

You have the wrong idea on this. You have the simple and tighty groupthink party line:

Once he took absolute control of the party Hitler...

You think a.) he hypnotized 543 men? b.) absolute control? how does one even think that phrase makes sense? Do you think he had the powers of mesmerism? How did he broadcast it to 543 men. How did he broadcast it when he had millions of men? Why was there another faction in the party that tried to overthrow him and how could they if he had absolute control?

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