IS commercial sex getting dearer or cheaper in your city?

in #society6 years ago

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In Singapore, legal commercial sex (yes, prostitution is legal but monopolized by the government, what a smart way to enrich the national treasury huh? lol😆) is "affordable" to most working class men and the pricing is somewhat in-pace with general inflation rate.

But "illegal" prostitution is widespread and this drives down the price quite substantially. A nice-looking prostitute working for the state-run brothels below the age of 30 can cost around SGD 100 for 1 hour of "basic services". You can get the same quality of services by similarly attractive "freelancers" (usually Chinese women from China) at lower prices of around SGD 70 - 80. Of course, such "illegal" transactions can be prosecuted and are not protected by the government.

So for this question I would say commercial sex is getting CHEAPER in Singapore. The main reason being the increase in number of prostitutes available.

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