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RE: The Red pill, Blue pill Election — NYC slumlord vs. Globalists

in #society8 years ago

I've been reading your work for a couple of years now and find it very stimulating and informative, but I was a disappointed to see you use the photo (above) alleging to be taken in Ohio of pre-filled-out ballots. It's a fake, mate.

It was taken in Birmingham, England in 2015. When I first saw it I knew it was iffy; you only have to look at the "Ballot Box" text on each box to see they are in perfect allignment even though the boxes are arranged at different angles - clearly photoshopped. See more at this link:

Btw, I'm no Hillary fan, and not even American; as you can probably deduce.

Won't stop me following you writings here and elsewhere, but I thought it only fair that this information was made apparant.

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