
Well, I personally, on some level, am not happy guns exist - emotionally, it bothers me that a gun gives a coward the power to threaten people, safely, lethally, from a distance.

But the do exist. And in the world where they do exist - I think you may want to reconsider your position and at least acknowledge that a gun fired by a good guy in defense of life and limb actually gets to stop an aggressor once in awhile - and at least for that reason guns have a positive role to play.

I know what you are saying. But now comes my argument and you will roll with your eyes.

But just because you have a gun and he has a gun, it doesn't makes it better. If you hadn't a gun and he hadn't a gun. Maybe you would fist fight, maybe you just run away, maybe he has a knife. That are the possibilities, but there are suddenly possibilities you woudn't have if both of you had a gun.

You will more surly fire your gun, because you have one, and he would more likly fire his because he has one and feels threatened. I mean he doesn't want to die, and you will not die either. So what you are doing when both of you have guns. You fire to protect yourself more likly. If he had a knife or would just be violent, you would run, or maybe punch him in the face that's it and still he learned a lesson. Violence growth with the possibilities you get in being dominant compared to others.

We have no weapons in my country, sure here and there are criminals or people going rouge. But it is a huge minority.

To say you need a gun, to defend yourself from a guy with a gun, is like saying
If your kid becomes bullied in school he should bully even more.
What you think happens in this scenario? The bully will hit your kid. Maybe your kid can defend himself. Maybe your kid has a knife. So the bully backs of and brings the gun of his father the next day. And what now? You give your kid a gun too?

You're policemen would be way more relaxed if they knew they have the bigger weapons and lot's of people, criminials would think twice before fighting a policemen. Just for example…

If you read all the slogans for guns, you need to realize that they play with your fear and anger. ANd as long as you believe that, you will feel safer but will more likly be part of a robbery or something like that. Sure you than will say, wow I'm so glad I had my gun, but the robbery likly wouldn't even happen with a guncontrol.

I and nobody I know around me ever has witnessed violence with a gun or a robbery or stuff. Never. Sometimes we don't even read anything tragic in the papers. I ask myself why...

What country do you live in?

Assuming everyone is stripped of guns - excluding the law enforcement and the military - what is your plan for effective defense against a few gangbangers with bats or bike chains? Especially if their chosen victim is a small statured female?

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