The Monetary Paradox: The staggering cost of ‘Peace'

in #society7 years ago (edited)


Time has come to quit taking everything for granted: we are in this giant mess because world citizens have relied on their lawmakers over the centuries way too much . What we are seeing today didn't happen overnight. It has always been so. Let's face it.  Being in power is impossible without hiding knowledge, the control of information circulating .... and financial means to consolidate power further.  

Whining ad nauseum and blame games have to come to an end because obviously, if the situation got from bad to worse, they do not help at all. What needs to be done is to cease admiring people in power and turning to them for (expensive)  solutions. 

Time is running out, we have more or less 5 years to reverse the situation. Will it be possible?  It is a 50-50% at this stage. One thing is certain though, is that power will have to reveal itself for what it is completely eventually... and this will create a breaking point... if those already awakened spread the word as fast as possible. Mental resistance to the Truth, can be circumvented with patience, and diplomatically planting seeds in the minds of skeptics. Direct confrontation is seriously discouraged. The best way is to start by helping others notice the reality of  "fake right and left  paradigm", make them realize that following the money trail leads to better insights. Money always exposes the lies of what is. People will only consider to change their minds when they have the math available.  

This is the paradox of money: while it has caused the buildup to our unprecedented crisis,  it also can free us at the condition to use data in an diligent and unbiased manner. However, the most powerful antiwar stance is when the monetary aspect is combined with the killing of children. A society that kills its children is a death cult. 

In the Greater Scheme Of All Things, money is a tool to achieve power and nothing else, as wealth cannot be created nor destroyed but merely changes hands. It is only when this premise begins to make sense in many minds that Humanity will be able to embrace a futuristic and voluntary society, with technology servicing a greater good.  What we are seeing is the end of the materialist paradigm, it can no longer be stretched and a break through is the only exit possible. 

The Love For Humanity VS The Love Of Money And Power... Which One Will Prevail?

The High Cost of NATO - Global Policy Forum |  Hidden Costs of NATO Expansion - FPIF

$250million each day for 16years: The staggering cost of ‘War on Terror’ (RT.COM)  The ‘War on Terror’ has cost US taxpayers at least $1.46 trillion  since September 11, 2001, the Department of Defense’s cost of war report  has revealed. ...  Operation Enduring Freedom (the name given to the ‘War on Terror’  between 2001 and 2014), Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq War) and Operation  New Dawn (past operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2010 and 2011)  made up the biggest expense. They cost a combined $1.315 trillion. Current military operations cost $147.6 billion. This includes  $102.9 billion for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, the name given to the  ‘War on Terror’ by Barack Obama at the end of 2014, and Operation  Inherent Resolve, the US’s operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria  which started in 2014, and has cost $17.1 billion.'  ....  The numbers don’t include veterans’ expenses, or the amount racked up by  intelligence agencies in their war on terror. The numbers also don’t  take into account the cost involved in rebuilding and post-conflict  programs.

 The Healthcare Costs of War Although the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan are coming to a close,  the spending will not stop when the fighting ceases as our country will  continue to spend billions of dollars in healthcare. Within this  infographic, you will find an explanation of how the United States will  be obligated to pay for future medical and disability costs for veterans  to over $754 billion!  (infographic link down)

MORE BLOGS CONNECTING THE DOTS : How Many Millions More People Will Have to Die Of Starvation Before We Get It? | The US versus THEM Is The Biggest Con Game In The Perpetually Creating Universe |  Does A Death Cult Society Have The Right To Existence In The Perpetually Creating Universe?  |  Monetized Altruism Is Responsible For The World Destruction & The Need For Voluntaryism  |   The History Paradox:  Why Was Mankind's History Hidden For So Long -- And Still Is?

The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration   

Thank you in advance for  following, upvoting, resteeming, help spread the aims of the   Earth Custodians and don't forget to continue your own research!


War is bad!

So let's get rid of money so our civilization will collapse and billions will die...great strategy. Remember Steemians, earthcustodians hates Steem and steem dollars and she wants to destroy this platform, so make sure you upvote her. lolz

while I might not agree with every point of view the author has, at least she is attempting to start a conversation, whereas you are just shaming, ridiculing, and assuming an awful lot. if you dont agree with her viewpoint, present a valid argument against it and support it with facts.

Ok, here is an argument

Earthcustodians wants to get rid of money. (Look up all her previous posts for evidence of this)
Steem is money (cryptocurrency is money)
Therefore: Earthcustodians wants to get rid of steem.

She want to take the money she earns here to destroy this platform you knucklehead. So upvote her lolz

Her arguments are ridiculous, and she portrays pseudoscience as fact, and she offers no blueprint of HOW a socety will run without money.

well considering she hasnt made all that much money being on steem, I see no evidence to indicate your last statement is true. $23 in 4 months? wow. regardless of her views on money, which i think you have blown out of proportion to her other content, she has a right to post her view.

furthermore, she actually posts something longer than two lines or a paragraph and a link. how is that method working for you? try concentrating on your own writing and content instead of ridiculing others.

I'm not interested in making money here. And I just occasionally link to crypto stuff I find interesting. Not really worried about what you think of it.

Do you go out and measure the length of pieces of crap on the sidewalk, or do you tell your kids, "Don't step in it!"? hehehe

well perhaps the person you are making fun of isnt interested in making money either, she just wants to share her POV. i'm done measuring you. peace out.

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