How society has made men and woman self conscious

in #society8 years ago

"So i'm going start off with everything that men face. When a guy watches porn there are ads that show how to make your dick bigger and how to please your woman better. Why should men have to take a pill or use a dick pump to feel better about themselves , I think men should be okay with who they are and not care what ads or other people tell you to be.

Male strippers make a guy feel ugly in comparison, which isn't right. I think men should feel happy with who they are and not feel judged by their body type or size. It's really sad that woman get brainwashed into thinking that if she wants a guy that will please her he has got to be huge. What ever happened to liking a guy for more than the size below his belt? Just falling in love with a guy because he makes you feel like the only person in his life. Guys think they cant get a girl because they don't have tons of money and are not a billionaire. That's not okay either! If I remember correctly you didn't fall in love with the guy for how big his paycheck was. You fell in love! He makes you feel like a princess with all the little things he does!

Another point, since when did a waxed man become attractive? I mean chest hair is sexy! That can make him self conscious about what he has. The sad thing is that it is everywhere in porn. Male models and strippers are not that attractive. Society has brainwashed men and woman to think its attractive ( but I beg to differ ). Having a man with chest hair is very sexy.

Men! Don't fall for it. If a woman doesn't want to date you because you are not huge or ripped or a billionaire then they aren't right for you! They will love you for who you are.

I have seen woman go through so much as well. There is plastic surgery to make your boobs bigger, or to make your butt bigger. It is endless! Why should we get plastic surgery to feel better? Lets talk about how a woman is portrayed to dress in tight dresses with high heels and a push up bra so high it touches our ears! It is sick and wrong. I'm okay with a woman dressing up and feeling sexy, but it isn't okay to make a woman feel obligated to do so. A woman should be able to go out in sweatpants and a sweater with shoes that are comfortable.

Being told to wear high heels everyday is a pain.

  1. They make your feet swell up
  2. Your feet ache and when you take them off it hurts to walk
  3. You can get blisters on your ankles

The bottom line is that we should all be okay wearing what we want. We get all kinds of looks of judgement which makes us uncomfortable and self conscious. Alright, I covered the foot wear and the outfits. How about make up? Ahhh yes the wonderful world where women hide their true beauty behind a product that is bad for your face. We have got things to make our lips bigger, fake eyelashes, mascara, eyeliner and of course foundation . The thing women use to hide what they actually look like. It's sad because every woman is beautiful in there own unique way and should be be allowed to go without having it on. I haven't even gotten to the latest product, CONTOUR! The product that lets us woman fix what we don't like about our face, boobs ..... Scratch that, our whole body! You don't like your butt? Contour will fix it right up! Before contour women just used toilet paper to stuff there bras to make their boobs bigger. It's wrong and a womans natural beauty is better then caked on makeup. Think about it! A woman on her period does not want to get up and put on a sexy outfit and wear make up. We just wanna eat pizza and watch netflix in baggy pants. Oh how could I forget the hair? There are so many things to change a womans appearance. Lets start with the obvious one, hair extensions. If you hate how short your hair is getting then extensions will fix it right up give you any length you can think of!

I think men and woman should be okay with their body type and how they look. Fuck society and be yourself, not what someone tells you to be!!!"



External methods of body modification (not physical exercise, etc.) is a sign of a "lost soul". Deep psychology going on.

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