The Pitchforks Are On Their Way

in #society6 years ago

Someone very famous once said:

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.
(Mark 3:24 - 26)

Yeah, right... . In a pig's eye! Evil people can always be found crawling over each others' lifeless corpses, after stabbing them in the back in order to get ahead. That, of course, is purely figuratively speaking, however if they really could stab and kill their opponents and get away with it, I am certain that they would go to it with gusto. Truly rotten, evil people are constantly scheming about how to get ahead of the person above them. Truly rotten, evil bosses encourage the back-stabbing and scheming because a divided house is an easier house to rule, even if it means sleeping with dagger under his/her pillow.

If such a being as Satan exists, then I can pretty much guarantee that the members of his house are at each others' throats, and also at his. But, since I can't vouch for Satan, I will focus instead on the business, religious and political leaders of this world. The fact is, they are all at each others' throats, each one trying to scale the ladder over the backs of their competitors. The only thing, in fact, that they are unified in is climbing over each other to get the prime spot at their leader's right hand; a prime spot from which to stab him, too, in the back and take the top job for themselves.

This is the state of the world as we know it. If a person believes that the '1%' are a unified lot, acting harmoniously in order to fulfill the will of their Lord of Evil, faking conflict only in order to push forward an 'agenda', then that person should contact me about a bridge in Brooklyn that I'm looking to unload at a very reasonable price. Hillary Clinton really did snatch the leadership from the ordained successor to Obama, Bernie Sanders - and was promptly punished for her transgressions against 'the plan' by having her dirty secrets leaked and generally being made to look like a total idiot who couldn't even win an election against a supposed sitting duck such as Donald Trump. But, of course, that is a story about what happens when your hubris reaches the point of disrupting the well-laid plans coming down from on-high. I'm just pointing out that there is rebellion in the ranks.

All that said and understood, there is one thing that the world's ultra-rich fear: the pitchforks. More specifically, pitchforks being wielded by mobs of common folk who have been screwed over, bankrupted, and otherwise abused by them - and those pitchforks are most definitely on the way.

In order to defuse the situation before it reaches critical mass, the great unwashed have been fed quite a number of steam-releasing 'movements'. The 'occupy' movement, protests over this, that and the next thing, BDS - piles of things that make people feel like they're accomplishing something when all they're doing is blowing off steam and getting precisely nowhere on the real issues. Once the steam has been released, the common folk can go back to having mindless sex, watching Netflix, doing assorted drugs, and playing video games - all of which continue to serve as a safe and effective continuing release for their pent-up frustrations, as well as pumping them full of propaganda that dulls the mind and stops them from asking crucial questions about current and historical absurdities.

I won't even get into how the media and the churches are being used to dull people's minds and reinforce the one-percent's 'droit de seigneur'... .

But they know full well that, sooner or later, the weight of the burden that they have loaded onto the backs of normal people will become unbearable and those people will revolt. That is why some pretty strange things are happening these days. One of the most unsettling of these things is, at least from my perspective, the increasingly common practice of local law enforcement sending their officers off to Israel for special police training. This is wrong on so many levels that it boggles the mind! In effect, the police are training a fifth-column for use against their country's own people. Likewise the selling out of airport security to Israeli firms. These elements will never, ever, be on the side of the common folk of the country. Moreover, they will start viewing themselves as some sort of Übermensch whose job it is to keep the inferior denizens of the land in line.

With that, the first segment of the population is torn away from the main body, and turned against it.

Next, put the majority under the domination of a coddled minority; an old tactic, but an effective one. In colonialist times, this tactic was pretty common. Pit one group against the other by stoking jealousy through favoritism, and, in the end, they will turn on each other instead of the occupier. Rwanda is probably the most horrendous example of this colonial ploy's legacy. In the current world, in countries where there there are no cohesive indigenous minority groups to pit against each other, new 'minority' groups are being created and elevated. Those groups include illegal immigrants, the LGBT 'community', and other rare and put-upon unicorns. These are quickly becoming the jack-booted storm-troopers acting at the beck and call of the '1%'. What they don't see coming, mainly because they don't believe in history, is the 'Night of the Long Knives' coming their way once their Reign of Silencing is no longer required.

Knowing history, real history and not propaganda fairy-tales, goes a long way when deciding who you're going to help oppress.

While all of this is going on, the 'oligarchs' are busy building heavily secured, enclosed communities, in some cases possibly even digging themselves underground. Nothing new there, though. Take a look at all those bankrupt third-world nations whose societies have fallen completely into chaos and anarchy: this is exactly how their elites keep their possessions and their lives safe. They live in defacto bunkers. First world elites are simply following the leads of men like Idi Amin (before his retirement on the French Riviera). The rich, unlike the rare unicorns, do learn about history.

Is there someone even higher than the '1%'? Is there someone behind the '1%'? If there is, though, those people are smarter than the '1%'. They've set the '1%' up to take the fall and be ripped apart by the masses when all shit breaks loose. While all of that goes on, they'll be sitting somewhere nobody can get to them, probably protected by a few hundred nukes, enjoying a highball or two. Or maybe, they will be hiding among us, with none of us the wiser... .

They're students of history, too, it turns out, and they think they're exceptionally clever. They don't fear the pitchforks.

They should, because this time I do believe the pitchforks will manage to reach even them.

At least, I hope those pitchforks do. I am sure they will.

Image: Pixabay


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