10 Proven Methods for Growing Your Social Media

in #socialmedia3 years ago

How to Grow Your Social Media: 10 Proven Methods for Growing Your Following

How would you like to grow from 1,000 followers to 10,000 in just a few steps? That’s what we’re going to do here.
We’ve put together a list of social media marketing tips and tricks that will help you reach those numbers in no time. You can use these tips for your personal profile, your business account, or even freelance work.
And don’t worry—we’ll show you how to keep growing from there!


10 Proven Methods for Growing Your Following

  1. Post at least once per day
  2. Contribute to the community
  3. Use a hashtag to make your posts easier to find
  4. Use social media analytics tools
  5. Make your profile picture uncluttered and easy-to-read
  6. Add links to your content
  7. Offer incentives to join your email list
  8. Connect with influencers in your industry
  9. Be consistent when posting content
  10. Take advantage of social listening tools


Create a Unique Concept
You can’t just post the same thing over and over again to grow your social media. You need to come up with a creative concept for your content and make sure it ties back to your target audience.
If you’re trying to attract new followers, you might want to use some of these tips:

  • Ask questions like, “What are you most thankful for?”
  • Post inspirational quotes
  • Post about what inspires you
  • Share photos of your pets
  • Tell stories about yourself or the #strugglesof being an entrepreneur
    If you’re trying to turn a client into a customer, try posting:
  • Content that showcases your work (like pictures or videos)
  • What your business is all about
  • Showcasing behind-the-scenes at your office
    These posts will help your followers see who you are and what they can expect from you.

Share Your Story
People want to know more about who you are, what you do, and what you’re passionate about. Sharing your story is the perfect way to get people interested in learning more about you.
Consider what kind of person would be most interested in your story. What are some interests or qualities they would have? What would they find interesting? Write out a template for this person and use it to frame your social media posts.
You can also share your story by posting pictures of memorable moments from your life—anything from vacations and special events to family dinners and impromptu dance parties. The memories that mean so much to you will also mean something to others who might connect with you or share their own stories.
There’s an old saying that goes “a picture is worth a thousand words.” When it comes to social media, the saying still rings true. Pictures allow us to communicate an idea or capture a moment in time quickly and concisely and make our point without needing any additional words. You should post high-quality images with captions on your social media accounts at least once a day if possible—this method has proven effective for many brands in attracting new followers as well as increasing engagement levels on their posts.

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Be Engaging and Interactive
One of the most important things you can do when you are trying to grow your following is to be engaging and interactive. You should respond to posts, share valuable content, and offer support if someone needs it.

Optimize Your Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to make an impact on social media. It’s a simple process that you can do really quickly. You just need to put the hashtags in front of any post, including your tweets and Facebook posts, and it will show up in the feeds of anyone who is following those hashtags. For example, if you wanted to post about vacations, you could type #vacation or #familytravel before the content and everyone who follows those tags will see your post.
If you want to be successful on social media, start by optimizing your hashtags.

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Use Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is the fastest-growing social media marketing trend, and for good reason. The old adage “give them what they want” rings true here. People love being told what to buy, which is why influencer marketing is so incredibly effective.
The best way to use influencer marketing is by teaming up with a popular social media influencer who shares your niche or target audience. If you can work together with that person, they can help promote your brand and products to their own following of people. The result? Increased exposure for you and the influencer! It’s a win-win situation.
Not just anyone can be an influencer though. You need someone with a substantial following who has an engaged audience and an excellent track record of using their social media for making sales (plus, that person needs to share your niche).

Share Responsibly, but Constantly
Sharing your content on social media is one of the most important steps in growing your following. But you have to do it responsibly. Whenever you share a post, ask yourself if this information is something that’s relevant to your audience? You don’t want to post too many irrelevant posts and overwhelm your followers.
But you also don’t want to under-share. If you only share a few times a year, people might not be interested in following you or viewing your posts. Post at least once per month and make sure that it's good quality content!
You should also spend more time sharing content from other accounts, like influencers, brands, or even competitors. This is considered cross-promotion and can be hugely beneficial for both parties involved. Not only will it help you establish connections with other accounts but it will also help grow your own following!

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Provide Value to Your Followers
The first key to growing your following on any social media platform is providing value. What do we mean by that? Provide content that’s engaging, informative, and easy to share with others. Really think about what you want your following to be and how you can provide them with valuable information.
For example, if your goal is to create a following that targets millennials living in New York City who are interested in finance, then you should post articles about the latest trends in finance, like stocks or credit cards. This way, they will feel as though they were informed and engaged after reading your post.
If you can provide enough value to your followers, then you will see growth over time. You’ll also find it easier to get people who don’t follow you to take a look at what you have posted—giving them a reason for wanting to stay updated with your content.

Respond Consistently and Promptly
One of the best ways to get more followers on your social media profiles is by responding consistently and promptly.
When you respond to people, they’ll see that you are interacting with them as opposed to simply broadcasting information at them. This builds trust and your following will grow accordingly.
So how do you respond?
As soon as someone interacts with your content, take a moment and say hello. Ask them how they are doing or what they think of what you posted. You could also say thank you for the follow or share a recent event related to your business. Just make sure to always keep it personal and genuine!

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Don’t Forget About Quality Images
The first thing you have to do to grow your social media presence is post quality content. You don’t want to get caught up in all the numbers and forget about what matters most: the quality of your posts.
First, you want to post high-quality content. Make sure it aligns with your brand image and has a call-to-action that will entice people to click on it.
Next, take advantage of visuals. Images are one of the best ways to grab someone’s attention online, so use them! It doesn’t matter if it’s a photo or a graphic, as long as it adds value to your post. Finally, make sure the images are at least 1,000 pixels by 1,000 pixels so they display properly on all devices.


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