Do you make Money from your Social Media

Making Money with Social Media.

Don't worry folks, no affiliate links here, but I just thought I would share some ways of how you can make money from your social media.
The most obvious income stream from social media tends to be YouTube, where you get paid dependent on the number of views, however this is not what I want to focus on, instead, making money using Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook and how to do it.

Having built up quite a big number of following across Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, currently I have around 5000 followers on Facebook (Which is pretty much the maximum.), 51,000 followers on Twitter and over 5,300 followers on Linkedin, so with these three networks alone I have over 60,000 fans and followers in total.
Now, the way I make money on these is to provide advertising on freelancer sites allowing businesses to promote their wares. My fees for this start from $5.00 for 1 post across the 3 networks, and I can tell you, so far this month. (At the point of writing this articles, I have had over 35 sales.

It isn't a HUGE amount, however it all adds up and on average with sales of around $200 a month, this yields me a return of over $2400 a year! And as my social networks grow, so do my sales, currently I am pushing to reach 30,000 followers on Linkedin in the next 6 months as well as grow my Twitter account to 70,000 by the end of the year. giving me a mass total of over 100,000.

A few tips if you do decide to grow your social networks with the thought of selling adverts then I would give you one major tip and that is NEVER EVER buy followers, 99 times out of 100 they are fake. And, you can see your account come crashing down when there is a cull. In fact I saw many major account lose thousands and thousands of so called 'genuine' fans and followers that were purchased. And many years ago I was also a victim.
The good news is that all my accounts have been organically grown so there is no fear of me waking up and seeing most of my followers gone.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your social media, simply be consistent, engage with people and they will come.
Image Credit: Pixabay

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