Dealing with Social Media for your Clients.

Personalising Social Media Posts.

When handling social media on behalf of clients it is vitally important to get as fuller a brief as possible in order to deliver the best results. Quite often, clients who hire social media consultants do so as they have no idea of what to post on their social media networks. This can make it difficult to actually meet their requirements, and quote often the brief can be sketchy at its best.

To ensure you 'get it right first time'. always take time to discuss their business, some companies want a sense of humour on their social presence, such as funny photos, jokes etc, some most definitely don't. Finding out beforehand, what types of posts and suggesting types of posts can be more productive than just going ahead and posting. Another useful tip is to ask them if they subscribe to any particular newsletters or websites in their area of business, this then allows you to collate information for future posting on interesting news articles associated around their company's offerings.

Always check back with your client after 7 days to ensure you are delivering what they want. Once again, a client may not even look at the social media until the end of the month and decide that you haven't delivered what they want. At least this way you can get a confirmation that you are doing what they want and this will increase the odds of them renewing their social media management with you.

What must be remembered, you are the expert, they are putting their trust in what you do, so in the early days by following the above tips can ensure a long lasting and mutually profitable relationship.

More Tips To Follow...

Image Credit: Pixabay

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