
nice post. I like it.

Oh yes, one can get lost in the search for inspiration. I myself am an inspiration hunter and I totally agree to leave the complaints aside and see what can be worked out. But it is not easy to concentrate cause the heads full of different ideas and triggers. Some people suffer from blanks. I do suffer from TOO MUCH. And it is a hell lot of work to produce content of quality. Sometimes I get so aggravated by cheap content, no matter where I stumble over it, here or elsewhere.

We all - I guess - are seeking for people from whom we can learn and relate to. Sometimes I wish I would have lived with those who are long dead or I could breathe the same air as my admired ones. I have a lot of them. But nobody is even close. That brings me to the topic to see the brilliance in the ones I can get in physical touch with. Everybody has potential from my point of view. It just has to be waken up. Encouragement is a high art. What most of us can do very well is to discourage others. I am so full of it!! I don't want to partake but often enough I just give in. .....

Well, I think I might have let myself go a little. If my language sounds strange: It is. I am German.

I wouldn't have guessed English wasn't your first language. :-)

Sometimes I wish...I could breathe the same air as my admired ones.

I can't recall the precise science behind this, though this actually may be the case. Or maybe it was something like a sip of water contains the same molecules that were in dinosaurs. Something like that.

But nobody is even close.

Or perhaps we are. We may have been underestimating the senses & abilities accessible through certain genetic activations - able to tap into the Others' & Planetary genetic memory, pinging the minds of those both alive & dead.

Though that is a whole other discussion. lol.

phew ... what a reply. I like how you play with words. Reminds me of composing music.

Don't know if I can catch what you mean. But I will describe what came first into my mind. That I am wrong and the dead and all of what had been still "exists" through time and space and therefore I can get a hand on it...or a glimpse ... or a full flash of what I am grasping for. Okay, that consoles me. Thank you. I hope I can still feel consoled tomorrow.

... I do not care so much for scientific explanations, because sometimes science extracts the mystery out of a significant matter and I love to leave it there. For inspiration in all cases! I feel hurt when miracles are unfolded as being "just" this or that. On the other hand I admire the sciences and use myself their findings when inspiration is involved. Alan Watts, one of the admired dead once said: "Psychology is not a science but an art".

As the genetic code and what may be active in the genes still is a mystery to me, it doesn't do harm by you using it:-)

You must have heard of Terence McKenna, no?

ok, I went searching for the reference to clarify the context, and here's what I found...

Have YOU drunk dinosaur urine? Every glass of water contains almost 100% Jurassic pee, claim scientists


Apart from that... some scientists consider time sort of an illusion, all simultaneously existing at once, though its just in our perception of the information extracted throughout the dimension of time that makes it seem there is a concrete past and future - wherein other "dimensions," its all in a singularity - and perhaps with different senses/abilities activated, one could tune into what appears hidden in "past/future" via our standard operating protocol in relation to the dimension of time.

or consider the eastern outlook on the "Akashic Records..." somewhat similar concept.

the genetic code is a big mystery to even those in the scientific fields at the forefront of its exploration. I'd say there would be valid reasons to the argument that this is the biggest realm where some of the most profoundly transformative discoveries are awaiting.

and yeah, McKenna is friggin' awesome. :-)

HeHe, yes! Water is a very fascinating matter. I asked myself kind of that question as a teenager after realizing that earth had a protection shield from outer space that water is not renewed and got a little worried about that fact, that "dinosaurs" peed into it. Of course I thought not of dinosaurs but I love this example.

When things get to much flying high I tend to point to the ground again. Like: child birth is a very real event and a woman in labor doesn't give a sh... to singularity. Same when people die or are in the process of death. That is real stuff which we fear as the devil the holy water.

Though on the other hand giving birth is much of a spiritual matter when a woman is aware of her strength and energy. The baby entity might have come out of a singularity into existence, the womb of its mother. It may carry all of mankind. One never knows:)) - for sure giving birth can be an inspirational act for the woman herself and the ones witnessing. At least it should be and not being seen as only pain, danger and risk.

goodness. I will give you a respond later on. Right now it is two at night and I am getting tired. As not to spoil it and to be fit and fresh, I'll come back tomorrow. So we are having a REAL time difference here which is of course not illusionary for the sun stands in a different position and my biological rhythm is influenced by this great yellow ball.

It's a pleasure to talk to you! Good night from far Hamburg.

P.S. sorry, my voting power is down the hill. Hope you don't mind.

It's so true! This is a wonderful post you've written.

Whenever I see people complaining about the bad content on a social media platform, I have to wonder... why are they following those kinds of channels? I had a great debate with @steeminator3000 on this topic.

Instagram is the best for architecture and design posts... like you said, they are so inspiring.

Thanks. And amen! :-)

So many keys, so many doors :)



As promised, here you go.

Props to you and I hope you get more Steemit Love from this:



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