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RE: The Social Media Stranglehold

in #socialmedia6 years ago

The odds are that Facebook, Twitter – or perhaps your Google account – describe the primary method by which you interact with the Internet.

Nope, I'm free as a bird in that regard and happy I made the move away from those platforms. In your like of things that individuals can do to change things one of mine would be leave this platforms and never look back. We need an anti-network effect here.

We’re now seeing the next stage of this process of dangerous division, the audiences which used to mingle and battle on shared social platforms, are now moving onto their own platforms, some for the ‘left’, some for the ‘right’, segregated and policed to one degree or another (or just by their nature) so that interaction and discussions become even less likely. [I edited out your weird characters]

This is a very important point. Brushing shoulders with people who differ from you is important for every reason. This isn't "diversity" for it's own sake, it more like some kind of actual "public", you know, the kind we all live in in the real world where you occasionally meet people with different opinions.

Lastly, the monetisation problem often hits Alt-Tech sites hard, forcing them – almost immediately – to bend the knee to the demands of the payment processors or to move to crypto-currency. The problem there is that crypto is not user-friendly and is overrun with scammers, spammers and incompatibility issues. [emphasis mine]

That is today's problem. It need not ever be so. The only way to move towards a better crypto environment is not repeatedly saying it's hostile and instead supporting people on their way in. I have to criticize you in this in the strongest possible terms as you always take the opportunity to say it.

Also, what incompatibility issues? Do you mean that there are multiple coins / tokens?

Of the alternatives that are available, appears to be the most viable for social/micro-blogging and Bitchute for video. There’s still a long way to go for there to be any challengers to the primacy of Facebook, Twitter or Youtube, but the only way to change that is to use the alternatives, even while they’re imperfect.

... and Steem right? I know you've obviously syndicated this across all your publishing avenues but seriously, you've got to engage more with Steem(it)!!! I really think you could do quite well here. You live somewhere between the mountain of libertarians and the handful of commie leftists, where the rest live.


Pretending these problems don't exist isn't helpful. People need to come in with their eyes open.

Incompatibility between various coin ecosystems and with actual money.

As I think I've covered before, there are barrier to engagement here.

Being off networks isn't viable for someone in my sort of position.

I know but flip the subject and see how it looks when you replace "crypto" with "British Pounds" or take your pick. I could argue that there are far less scams using crypto that there are using any fiat currency you can think of.

If crypto has enough time to mature we'll see some things that people (AKA the market) really want, and that's ease of use, safety and interoperability. You can wait for the golden day or adopt early, though at this point we've passed the early adoption phase really.

And I'd still encourage you to get off those platforms, again you will be an early divester. Mastodon looks cool too by the way.

Less? Sure. As a proportion though? Not even close.

Yes I have to admit you're right. Crypto has several features which are broadly beneficial but which have especially high value to criminals. That's clear.

One person uses a knife to make their meals, the other to murder people. We cannot ban knives.

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