Socialism needs to stop being a sexy idea.

in #socialism4 years ago


I still find it odd that belief in Socialism isn't dismissed like Moon Landing denial.

It's one thing to dismiss the hundred million murdered last century (I know that that's a hell of a thing to say). What's more is the simple observation.

Was Adam Smith wrong when he said that you've never seen a dog peaceably make an exchange of a bone with another dog?

Was Leonard Reed wrong when he said that nobody on Earth knows how to make a pencil? I think that he was entirely right. What single human being knows how to mine graphite, fell trees, extract aluminum, create rubber erasers, and put them all together by him or herself?

Matt Ridley expounded upon this. If nobody knows how to make a pencil, who knows how to make a computer mouse? Nobody. Nobody knows how to extract the oil for the plastic that will incase the chips and the lasers and all of that crazy crap in there.

Thomas Sowell also has an important example from the Soviets. They couldn't even get nails right. The central authorities decided that it would be more prudent to produce large nails. All of the construction workers needed smaller nails to do their jobs.

Economies are massive networks of collaboration. It needs to be free collaboration. It needs to be an emergent order.

The most brilliant mind on the planet can't make a pencil. People are trying to make BLTs without trade and paying thousands of dollars and taking years to make a sandwich.

Free trade is the reason why you can sit at your keyboard and complain about free trade. Nobody knows how to make your computer, or iPad, or smart phone. These are all products of free trade.

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