Founder of Dutch Libertarian Party Explains that Taxation is Theft and Shuts Up Socialist MP

in #socialism7 years ago

This happened a couple of months ago but still worthy of sharing here in the group in my opinion. I think Toine did a great job explaining his position to this young lady from the Socialist Party. It took place during a hearing about tax avoidance that was organized by the Dutch parliament as a result of the Panama Papers. Toine Manders helped thousands of people get out of the draft in the 90's and when the draft was suspended he focussed his attention on helping thousands of small business owners avoid taxes, running ads saying "taxation is theft" on the radio. He was also the chairman and political leader of the Dutch Libertarian Party for over 20 years and has appeared in the media as an expert on tax avoidance and promote libertarian ideals

A few years ago Toine was arrested (a few weeks before an election the LP participated in, but that was probably a coincidence). He spent 3.5 months in jail without a trial before he was finally released. The government destroyed his business and he was not allowed to have any contact with former clients or to work in the financial sector until recently. He was going to be charged with running a trust office without a license, among other things. I have no idea of how strong their case is legally speaking, but from a libertarian point of view it's complete nonsense.

After years of uncertainty and waiting the trial finally started earlier this year, but while this process was going on Toine was compelled to testify (no right to stay silent) before parliament live on national television on the same matter as he was facing criminal charges for and being tried in court. They basically indirectly took away his right to remain silent. He was interrogated for over 1.5 hours and most of the discussion was about technical details of his company's operation. However at some point there was an opportunity to speak truth to power and talk about what really matters.

A fund raising effort is currently being organized for Toine and his girlfriend Jessica, so they can start a new business together with another Dutch libertarian. The Dutch government took everything from them and tried to crush them, but they are not quitting. More information about this in the link below, any help will be much appreciated. I know Toine personally and can say with absolute certainty that he has tirelessly fought for the cause of liberty for decades.

But I'm primarily posting this for the awesome video. Just look at her face!

By the way, I think that Toine would be an interesting guest on a libertarian podcast and I think he would be up for that although I haven't asked him so I'm not sure. Maybe It would be better to wait until after the trial is completely over and the verdict is in. Just throwing the idea out there.


I could see this guy ending up on The Tom Woods Show.

Tom Woods is solid. I send him $10 a month.

He's my #1 draft pick in any "sell someone on libertarianism" situation.

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