
Yep, I remember when that was the poster child in debates with socialists. People like me told them what was going to happen. It happened. Now "Venezuela was not true socialism". They seem incapable of learning. Many people refuse to admit they are wrong. If they cannot, then they can't really learn. They can only repeat the same mistakes.

"Venezuela was not true socialism"
I know this might come as a shock to you.
But I'm an old and grumpy guy.
I've decided that I no longer have any time or respect for people who make that argument.
The way I see it there's no left or right.
there is only MORE government control over me and mine.
or LESS government control over me and mine..
pretty simple huh?
I'm against more control and
I don't give a fart in a hurricane what they call it.

Yep, I agree. I'm a little younger than you. While I am starting to get cranky too, I tend to try to dance around and take mental jabs from other angles. I figure if I can change a few minds, maybe they can lead to a few more changed.

I don't expect much to happen if I say nothing.

I'm not saying that is you. I see you speak up. So you are not ignoring it, but you're patience likely ends much sooner than mine. Though my patience threshold is in definite decline.

patients are sick people in hospitals waiting to die.
I want nothing to do with it.

When I said you make me chuckle. That is a good example.

yeah I know..I have no respect.

The only difference between the two that I can see is that socialism allows private property rights and some individual resources. I'm going to argue that Venezuela is now Communist after the government took away the food and seeds from the farmers.

same say potato..I say potahto.

I knew you were a frigging American...

what gave you the first clue?
oh's right there on my profile.

in america even the poor have enough to eat.
actually by your standards we don't have any poor.

It was the beard - I don't really live in Bangladesh you know, (that's just my cover story) NZ is fairly pleasant!

yeah..someone told me abut NZ Sheep.
Must be very comforting.

Also... Venezuela is something I thought of quite a few times as I was writing the post.

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