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RE: Will a Socialist President Collapse the Economy? [VIDEO]

in #socialism5 years ago

You make a fair point on the buying power of money and sure UBI based on inflationary currencies aren’t going to work, I mean we could give everyone $5000 a month but a bread costs you $5000 so what does it matter?

As I said in my previous comment I live in a welfare state we have democratic socialism as they call it and I can tell you without a doubt giving money makes people lazy but it’s not the root cause of laziness

Money given by right of breathing never helped anyone that’s why I say certain conditions should be added to qualify and the goal posts can be moved to stimulate certain positive behaviors

I’m not saying it’s a silver bullet but surely worth a try! I think the words UBI often is seen with a radical redistribution of funds and scare tactics but it really doesn’t have to be done that way!


The problem comes along this path.

For a middle class person, the major problems are not enough money... so, the govern-cement solution is to throw money at it.

However, the poor are not helped by money.
They actually need things. They need tools to become self sufficient.

Our society is geared to take those tools away from people.
Land? Didn't make enough money, say goodbye to your land.
Growing your own food... well, not in this spot, or that spot, or like that, or...

Basically, the govern-cement has made the minimum level of competence need to live a fruitful life at over 100 IQ. Thus, half of the people are outlawed from having a fruitful life.

This is what needs to change, not money.

And, if we really cared about the poor, what we would give them is a tiny house on a piece of land.
This would cost far less than any UBI.

Now this is the best thing I’ve read on the internet today and a really sound analysis! I have to agree with you! We’ve created a n exclusionary society where actual skills that can make for a full life are now being limited and you have to join this shit trade time for money system which not everyone was geared towards

I think African countries like my own still have a large informal economy where peer to peer trading still exists and I think with crytpocurrency we can really make a go of it instead of using promise paper to trade

Now this is the best thing I’ve read on the internet today and a really sound analysis! I have to agree with you! We’ve created a n exclusionary society where actual skills that can make for a full life are now being limited and you have to join this shit trade time for money system which not everyone was geared towards

I think African countries like my own still have a large informal economy where peer to peer trading still exists and I think with crytpocurrency we can really make a go of it instead of using promise paper to trade

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